Educational and Fun Things to Do with Children in Atlanta All Year Around

Recently I over heard two mothers talking to each other in regards to their discontentment with how limited things are in Atlanta for children’s entertainment. I said to myself “wow”; they couldn’t possibly know about contacting the city of Atlanta to request a tourism book or be knowledgeable about the Entertainment Coupon Book for Atlanta (

My Experiences As a Child
You can never give too much education to a child. Summer time should not be a “resting” period for children to take a break from learning. Educators always encourage parents to make sure that their children read over the summer to continue building their learning process. So, my purpose for this article comes from my own upbringing. My mother involved me with reading at a very young age. By the time I was in 8th grade testing to enter into one of Ohio’s well known private girl’s academies; I was reading at the level of an 11th grader – according to test results. Much credit goes to my mother for regularly taking me to the library to broaden my mind and reading skills. At an early age; mother noticed my enjoyment with reading and spelling; so she entered me into reading and spelling contests. Next she observed my love of drawing; so she enrolled me into art classes at the local museum. Last but not least; she observed my love of pecking away on the piano at church on Sunday mornings; so she enrolled me into piano lessons. So, parents, it’s about observing your children closely and tapping into their young minds at an early age to encourage, inspire and develop. Introducing children to educational and fun things will enhance their minds where they can begin to appreciate their studies in school much better. I love to hear children tell me about their favorite subjects in school other than “just gym”. (smiles) Research also shows that children have been known to make career choices by things that they’re introduced to at an earlier age. It is very sad to ask a young person preparing to graduate from high school their career goals and hear them say -“I don’t know.” So, these particular local venues that I will cover within my article were strategically selected based on reviewing the “purpose” that they serve for children. Parents often travel to our city of Atlanta for various reasons; so this information is not just limited to local residents.

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Although I have no children of my own; I am a Godmother of 4 and have a ton of little relatives that I have been known to entertain over the years. So, being the “savings guru” that I am; I keep an updated Entertainment Coupon Book in my vehicle at all times. The book retails for $35.00; and offers a savings value of more than $17k. In addition to that; Entertainment Coupon Book also offers the digital membership for the “online shopper. The regular cost for the membership is $30.00; however there’s a special introductory price being offered for $19.99 when you use the link The coupon book features coupons to entertain children and adults. You will be amazed to know that the book features just about every category you can imagine to save on. So, please go online and check them out.

This summer for 7 weeks; we had twin 6 year old nieces to spend the summer with us. So, long before they arrived; I made a list of things to do with them that would be educational and fun. So, here is my “Top 3 Pick” that I’d like to encourage others to experience “all year around” with their children, friends or family members.

Zoo Atlanta – The Science of Education
Zoo Atlanta offers ongoing events throughout the year for all ages to partake and enjoy. Visitors have the opportunity to experience over 1,000 of the worlds most amazing animals. Our Zoo Atlanta gives you an up close and personal experience with training demonstrations, wildlife shows, special gorilla and orangutan feedings and so much more!” I recently had the pleasure of experiencing Zoo Atlanta with my young family members and to see the excitement within their eyes during their visit was priceless. The value that Zoo Atlanta brings to children is to teach them how to appreciate and understand the difference between invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals and birds. Please check out Zoo Atlanta’s monthly calendar for regular scheduled events “all year around.”

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Atlanta Botanical Garden – The Children’s Garden
The Children’s Garden is located within the Atlanta Botanical Garden and it offers to children plant and health education. This two-acre garden was created in 1999 in partnership with The Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta to share the importance of wellness and healing through nature. I have to admit that I along with my little relatives, were amazed to see the creativity in the thought process behind this special garden. There was so much to see! I’ll give you a glimpse of what we experienced; because you must go and see this incredible place for yourself. There were dozens of beautiful sculptures everywhere. There were outdoor play exhibits, gardens, ponds, waterfalls etc. Oops! I think I’ve said too much already; so let me stop right there. (smiles) Please go online and check out their calendar and list of regular scheduled events. You’ll see that they offer weekly classes, amphitheatre performances, story time, drop-in family classes, drop-off kids programs, summer camps, etc. Now the great thing about living in Atlanta is that we generally have pretty good weather all year around; so this gives you the opportunity to experience the outdoors with your child in a family friendly environment anytime.

The Children’s Museum – an educational institution featuring exhibits of works for ages 1-8 years old. I saved my favorite “Top 3 Pick” for last and let me tell you why. The Children’s Museum is a family friendly environment filled with interactive exhibits that allow children to experience play while learning about theatre arts, environment, science and technology. The most exciting thing that I experienced with my little relatives during our visit to the musem; was the fact that they bring lessons in literacy, physics, natural sciences, math, music, visual arts and imagination to life. Wow! There is just too much to say about this incredible venue for children!” I’m a kid at heart; so I think I had as much fun as my little relatives during that day. Parents, friends, nannies, teachers etc – they have plenty of seating around the entire facility and even offer a lunchroom, party rooms and nursing rooms as well. Now is that an all inclusive place to take children for an educational and fun outing or what? So, please go online and check out their all year around calendar of events and save the date for their 10th year birthday jubilee scheduled for Saturday February 23, 2013 (7-11pm). Parents this event is for “adults only”.

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So, by now you should see why I was so inspired to share with you my “Top 3 Picks” of some fun and educational things around Atlanta to do with children. As I close; I’d like to leave you with a few thoughts based on my observation in mentoring and volunteering with children for numerous years. Children learn from their parents and social interactions. Everything that a child can see and hear will be absorbed on some level; good or bad. Now with that in mind; early experiences will largely influence the way a person develops. The activities that you do with children from newborns to age 10 can determine how their learning patterns develop. Once children begin to interact with their environment; they learn problem solving, critical thinking and language skills. So, it’s important for parents to take the time to listen and learn things about their child. “Parents, family, friends etc; the next time you want to do something fun with a young child; take them to a fun educational venue. You will be amazed to know that the seeds that you plant within a young child’s mind today; can make a huge difference in their lives tomorrow.
