Easy Ways to Remove Cat Fur from Furniture and Clothes

I have a dog and a cat, but unfortunately the cat sheds more than the dog, and like most cats he’s all over the furniture from top to bottom. My couch, loveseat, and chair have all been covered in fur (not entirely) at one time or another, and it’s embarrassing when company comes over or when our clothes look like they’re sprouting white fur. Cat fur stuck to a sweater might make it a little warmer on a cold winter day, but when given a choice I’d rather go furless. Since adopting my cat I’ve discovered effective ways to remove the fur from furniture and clothes, and I use the following fur removal methods each and every day.

Rubber Brush

My mom and dad’s Jack Russell terrier sheds profusely, and my mom found a rubber brush that works quite well to remove loose fur. After trying my mom’s rubber brush to remove fur from my clothes, I decided to buy one for myself, and although it doesn’t actually pick up lint and hair, it does a good job of balling it up so it can be picked off of furniture and clothes fairly easily. The rubber brush is also good for brushing fur that’s still attached to the cat, and my cat enjoys the attention as well as the massage provided by the soft rubber tips.

Disposable Lint Roller

I recently picked up a lint roller from Wal-Mart. I figured I couldn’t go wrong since it was only a dollar, and I wasn’t at all disappointed. It does a great job of removing pet hair from my microfiber couch, the matching loveseat, and my husband’s recliner. I’ve also used my cheap lint roller to pick up cat hair on my jeans, long-sleeved tops, and sweaters. The sticky sheets rip away to expose fresh ones, and it doesn’t leave behind a single strand of fur. Check your local Wal-Mart for this ultra cheap lint roller. The handles are brightly colored, and they’re approximately 8-inches in length.

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Fabric Lint Brush

Besides my rubber brush and bargain lint roller I use a lint brush. Brush one direction and the brush picks up cat fur. Brush in the other direction and the fur is deposited on the fabric. This lint brush works quite well considering it doesn’t require sticky paper, and it’s not disposable. I simply remove the cat fur collected on the brush and voila, the furniture and my clothing are clean and free of the white fur my cat so generously shares!

Box Tape

When you’re desperate to remove cat fur from clothes and furniture and don’t own a lint brush or roller, try using box tape or any other type of tape you have around the house. I prefer box tape since it’s wide and stickier than ordinary tape.

On one occasion I couldn’t find my bargain lint brush and scrambled to find something to remove cat fur from the couch before company arrived. I pulled out the roll of box tape and successfully removed all of the cat fur covering one arm of the couch. It’s a quick and easy way to remove cat hair from any fabric surface, and it’s a fantastic substitute when you can’t find or don’t have an actual brush or roller to do the job.