Easy Ways to Prepare Pork Pot Roast with Sauerkraut

I recently purchased a four pound boneless pork roast, and I wanted to prepare it in a flavorful new way. Most of my roasts end up in an oven roasting bag, but I wanted to try something different. My boyfriend’s mother used to make pork roast with sauerkraut in a pot on top of the stove. I love sauerkraut, but I had no idea how to prepare her dish. I consulted my boyfriend’s sister for the recipe, but I am an adventurous cook, and I wanted to make it my own. I also added a couple of special ingredients that were not suggested, and the results were outstanding. The meat was tender, flavorful and very juicy, and I would not prepare it using any other method.

Ingredients for Tender and Juicy Pork Pot Roast

To prepare pork pot roast with sauerkraut you will need two tablespoons of cooking oil, a boneless pork roast that is approximately four pounds, one jar of sauerkraut, sea salt and ground black pepper. You will also need ½ cup of apple juice, ½ cup of water and about a teaspoon of rosemary. Also required is a pot with a lid and about two hours of cooking time. One or two sweet white or yellow onions are optional.

The rosemary and apple juice were not part of my boyfriend’s mother’s recipe, but they greatly add to the flavor of the pork pot roast. The naturally sweet apple juice helps to tone down the bite of the sauerkraut, and I always use rosemary when preparing pork roasts. Keep in mind that a little rosemary goes a long way. It will greatly enhance the flavor.


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Begin by heating about two tablespoons of cooking oil in a pot of the appropriate size, and brown the pork roast on all sides. Browning it on all sides will create a seal that will help to hold in the flavorful juices.

Next, lightly sprinkle the pot roast with rosemary and freshly ground black pepper. Pour the jar of sauerkraut over the pot roast. Do not drain it. The juices will help to tenderize the meat. Combine ½ cup of apple juice with ½ cup of water, and add it as well. Add sliced sweet white or yellow onions, if desired.

Allow the pork pot roast to cook over medium heat with a lid in place for approximately two hours. It should be fork tender when done but not falling apart.

Surprisingly, the sauerkraut will not turn to mush. That was my initial concern when cooking it in a pot, but it remained delicious and somewhat crisp. I served it with mashed potatoes and fresh cooked asparagus with light butter sauce. The meal was absolutely delicious, and I plan to prepare it for my next family gathering.

Source: Pat Hedrick and Personal Food Preparation Experience and Experimentation