Easy Rice Recipe: Spanish Rice

Spanish rice is a wonderful addition to any Mexican or Tex-Mex meal. Rice is a staple in many diets around the world, and cooking Spanish rice can be easy if you know how. Rice is a common side dish in Mexican cuisine, why not dress it up and make some Spanish rice to go with your dinner tonight?

The key to cooking a delicious Spanish Rice is to first saute dry rice in a pan with some kind of fat. If you eat meat, people like bacon grease, or another animal fat, like lard or chicken fat. If you are a vegetarian, you can use oil or butter. So, you would begin by sauteing your rice in a heavy pan over medium to high heat. You need to stir the rice constantly until it becomes translucent. When the rice is translucent, then you add two chopped onions, some chopped peppers if you prefer, some chopped garlic, and salt and pepper to taste. Turn the heat down to medium low, and cook the onions until they are clear and aromatic.

Next, you add the tomatoes and water for cooking the rice. Tomatoes are a large part of what makes it Spanish rice. I like to add a can of diced tomatoes and replace the cooking water with stock. I am a vegetarian so I cook my Spanish rice in vegetable stock, but if you eat meat, a truly authentic Spanish rice would most likely be cooked in chicken stock. Then, when it comes to a boil, reduce heat and cook for about twenty minutes, or until all the stock is absorbed and the Spanish rice is fluffy. You can replace white rice with brown or basmati, or even a wild rice mixture for variation, but unlike white rice, brown rice or basmati have different cooking times, so be aware of that when you are preparing your Spanish Rice. As far as spices, I like to add some cumin, and a touch to chili powder to give it a bit of a kick.

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Spanish rice is best served with a Mexican or Tex-Mex dish. You can marinate some chicken in tomato juice and grill it with similar spices to serve with your Spanish rice. You can also use Spanish rice as a bed for Mexican chili, which is very good. Another variation is to chop up some chicken and shred some spinach and toss it in your Spanish rice as a one pot meal recipe. Additionally, you can use as one of the fillings in burritos, or Spanish rice can be a great side dish on family taco night. You can cook Spanish rice using this basic recipe, and then add whatever compatible additions you’d like to make it your own.

I hope this piece has given you some inspiration the next time you are in the mood for Mexican or Tex-Mex. Now you can cook Spanish rice with confidence, and that is muy bueno!