Easy Remedies for Stomach Distress

Many things can distress our stomachs including stress, what we eat, how we eat and how much we eat. Most of us all ready know the common signs that stomach distress are beginning to occur. First, we may begin to feel bloated. Then we may begin to hear our stomach gurgle, then nausea and even vomiting can occur. What can we do to stop some of this distress? We can learn some of the easiest remedies for the most common types of distress.



Eat your fiber and make sure you have enough magnesium in your system. Fiber will help add bulk to our system. This bulk will help us eliminate all this waste builds up and thus stop constipation before it stops. Eating foods rich in fiber such as spinach, beans, almonds, squash and broccoli is the first step in preventing constipation.

You can also add fiber and magnesium supplements to your diet.


Over the counter laxatives can offer you some occasional help from constipation.

Alternative therapy:

Brew some dandelion tea

Sip some aloe vera juice



Diarrhea can be prevented by eliminating as much sugar-free foods from your diet as you can, especially artificial sweeteners. Many of these sweeteners can actually have an effect that works similar to a laxative in some people.


Over the counter medications like Imodium or Pepto Bismol

Alternative method

Melatonin supplement that helps you sleep is also beneficial in treating diarrhea, especially when it is related to Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

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Sip a cup or two of black tea



Consider what may be causing your nausea/vomiting. If it is motion sickness, consider taking some Dramamine or Benadryl before embarking on a trip. If you are pregnant or suffering from a virus, steer clear from pungent smells and nibble on salty crackers.


Stay hydrated. Try to eat small meals. An empty stomach can actually cause your symptoms to become worse. Nibble on saltines, pretzels, or dry cereal.

Alternative method:

Suck on mint candy.

Try using a small amount of ginger in your foods and drinks


Avoid large meals. Eat smaller meals.

Avoid mint, chocolate, caffeine and alcohol.

Avoid spicy foods


Antacids, liquid or chewable

Alternative method:

Licorice has been shown to have many anti-inflammatory benefits when it comes to the digestive system. This can be purchased in pill form at your local herbal store.



Avoid foods that are hard to digest. This includes most diary products and foods that contain artificial sweeteners, as well as beans, broccoli, onions and cabbage.

Skip carbonated drinks which can add air bubbles directly into your stomach


Over the counter medications such as Gas-x or Mylanta Gas are both noted for helping to relieve gas pressure and bloating.

Alternative method:

Sip some green tea or cranberry juice. These types of drinks have a mild diuretic in them that can help your bid to rid any excess fluid buildup, which can include gas buildup.

You might also want to try taking a peppermint pill which can be purchased at most herbal shops.

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If your stomach distress isn’t going away after trying these easy remedies or if the symptoms keep returning, you should consult your physician to make sure your stomach distress isn’t something more serious that needs attention.

Note: The writer of the above article is not a physician. Therefore the article should not be considered medical advice. The article is not meant to treat, diagnose, prescribe or cure any ailment. Always check with your physician before taking any products or following any advice you read online.


My own experience
