Easy DIY Red Wedding Card Box

Any bride and groom wants to have a customized wedding invitation. Unfortunately, customized wedding invitations can be very expensive especially when you go to specialty wedding shops. Fortunately, however, with a little creativity and patience, you can have your very own personalized wedding invitations by doing it yourself. You need not sacrifice your style and fear that your invitation looks like it was made in the “arts and crafts room”. With a reasonable budget, little time, a sprinkle of creativity, and a few scrapbooking tools and materials you can have your personal and customized wedding invitations.

The red themed wedding invitations I have designed are very simple and easy to make yet look very regal. From preparation, assembly to finish, each invitation takes approximately about 3 minutes to make. Preparing for the materials in advance is advised prior to assembly for a smooth work flow. Sending the invitations is as easy as opening the envelope, sticking a stamp on the envelope and sending it. The red invitations featured in this article can easy be slipped into a standardized 5 x 7 envelope.

Design. The invitations featured in here are very simple yet it has a “burst” of color and texture. It is not “loud” but it will definitely get their attention.

Inspiration. The inspiration for this design is “casual yet majestic”.

Find the Materials. You will be needing a golden yellow card stock cut into 5 x 7 inches. A red laser paper cut into 4.5 by 6.5 inches. A few “fleur de lis” brads. (I greatly suggest you purchase it at this site compared to getting them from craft stores as they can be expensive as $3.99 or twelve, of gold and silver), Fleur de lis stamp and a gold inked stamped pad.

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Word Processing Programs. You would need to use your preferred word processing programs. Make sure that you change the page settings to cater to the printable size of your invitation, the matching R.S.V.P., envelope and mailing labels.

Typing your invitation. Figure out what font would best match your invite. Wedding invitations tend to have fonts that are in this list. Don’t worry if you can’t get it right or perfect the first time you make a print. I suggest you make practice prints until you find the font, “words” and font color. You can always change this. Give at least .5 of an inch margin on top.

Print your Announcement. Right after you figure out what you wish to say in your invitation, print.

How to make the invites:

(Provided you have pre-cut the golden yellow card stock and red paper and printed the “announcement”)

Place the printed red paper on top and in the middle of the golden yellow card stock

Very carefully put the brad in the middle making sure you are able t attach both the red paper and the card stock together.


Open the lid and stamp the inside portion of the lid with the fleur de lis. Make a patter using the stamps if you wish.