Easing Summerime Chafing

Naturally, people tend to sweat up a storm in the summer months. Sweating is the body’s natural way of cooling itself. While it can be odorous at times, sweating is usually just accepted as a side effect of summer endurance.

When a body begins chafing, however, sweat can become a major issue. Chafing occurs when hot, sticky parts of the body continuously rub against one another (such as inner thighs) and result in a painful, blistery rash that is hot to the touch and just plain stings when it comes in contact with the salty sweat that likely caused the chafing in the first place.

Common chafing areas are the inner thighs and armpits in summer, especially for overweight or obese individuals. Cornstarch can be applied to the inner thighs to help absorb moisture and keep the friction from irritating the skin of the inner thighs to prevent and treat chafing.

Embarrassing chafing areas are the private regions, such as around the genitals or in the butt crack. It feels like a burning diaper rash that makes every day movement painful and irritating. The third most sweaty region of the body is the genitals (after the head and the armpits) so it is no surprise that people of all body types get the itchy private chafing in the summer months. Those embarrassing, easy treatments for private chafing are available.

First, wear cotton underwear that breathes. Since your genitals WILL be sweating (no matter who you are) wear breathable, comfortable, loose-fitting underwear, preferably 100% cotton. This will help keep your genital area dry and avoid irritation. Your bum will thank you. If chafing has occurred, flush the area with cool water to ease the burning heat and pat the area dry. Apply an aloe vera cream to the affected area (the purer, the better) and allow to dry before placing comfy undies back on. Avoid tight-fitting pants that rub against the genital area, as this will make the chafing worse.

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For chafed armpits aloe vera cream works as well. Also, wearing deodorant that has aloe in it will help ease every day irritations in the armpits caused by shaving.

Eating Vitamin A-enriched foods also helps ease skin as it heals and helps the skin heal much more quickly once chafing has occurred. Spinach, apples, kale, carrots, broccoli eaten fresh give the skin nutrients to help heal more quickly.

Wear loose-fitting cotton clothing and protective head wear in the sun to avoid skin becoming irritated by the heat and sweat that will incur. Heat rashes can occur on the chest area when exposed to the heat due to the heat coming out of the top of your shirt, creating an irritating, blistery rash that aloe vera can help ease. Wearing clothing that does not breathe traps the heat and moisture inside your clothing, so any part of your body that continuously touches another part of your body will become irritated.

The best way to treat chafing skin is to not allow it to chafe in the first place. Loose-fitting cotton clothing and avoiding excessive heat are the best ways to avoid painful (and oftentimes embarrassing) chafing. However, if chafing does occur, treating it with items in your home can help ease and prevent your irritating condition. Avoid lotions with oils in them, like Vaseline, so as not to trap the heat in the affected area and make it worse. Keep the area dry as possible, and treat with aloe vera cream to keep the condition from returning or getting worse.