Dwarf Shrubs and Plants

Dwarf Shrubs and Plants – Dwarf shrubs and plants make for fun indoor plants. It is possible to keep these plants indoors year round, transition them outdoors for the season and several species are hardy enough to stay outside year round adding to the beautification of homes both inside and out. Some dwarf species of shrubs and plants are trees and bushes like cedar trees, burning bushes, evergreen trees, bamboo, ferns, holly, junipers, fruit and flowering plants as well as the ever popular bonsai.

Choosing the Right Plants for where you live

When planning on planting dwarf shrubs and plants outside, the temperate zone in which they are to be planted should be noted. In the gardening world areas are divided into zones. As an example the snowbush shrub will not survive in cold environments or a hardiness zone of six to eight. It prefers warm weather, plenty of water and lots of sun. It is possible to create dwarf plants and shrubs by pruning and constricting root growth. With careful planning one can technically keep any plant or shrub from growing beyond two or three feet which allows for a wide variety of plant choices.

Evergreen Trees

These trees are great for colder climates as they are very hearty and can withstand cold temperatures as well as less time in the sun because we all know that there is less sun time in the winter. Holly, Cyprus, pine, juniper and boxwood are common evergreen plants that can be found in many sizes. Dwarf evergreens can be anywhere from six feet tall to six inches depending on the way it is planted and the species.

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Bonsai Plants and Shrubs

Bonsai plants are by nature considered to be dwarf plants. Usually kept in small containers with little soil and rocky bases these little plants are fascinating. They can be trimmed, pruned and trained to grow in a multitude of shapes and offer a unique look to any small area.

Fruit Producing Plants

Pomegranate, oranges, apples and other fruit trees can all be customized to dwarf size and kept comfortably less than three feet. These plants have lovely flowers and the fruits are edible.


Bamboo is a very hearty plant that grows in just about any climate. It can be propagated easily as it spreads by creating off shoots from its roots. Pruning to keep them short can be either a nip off the top or a slice through the middle. It can grow back from even the most damaging circumstances. When a lot of these are bunched in one area it can look like a mini forest creating a stunning landscaping effect.


These scraggly shrubs are noted for their blue-green foliage. They produce little blue or red berries which are not to be eaten but look pretty. Junipers remain low and can be quite compact making them look full and thick and they make great hedges.


This evergreen shrub usually grows to about two feet by two feet. It has a slow rate of growth and can grow in both sun or shade making it versatile.

Other Dwarf Plants and Shrubs

With all of the pruning and planting techniques the availability of plant species is endless. Some of the greats are Holly plants, Japanese Honeysuckle, Cyprus, Aucuba, Yucca, Geraniums, Cycad Palm, Leather-leaf Mahonia, Nandina, Hawthorne, Fatsia, ant the list goes on and on.

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  • Small Shrubs – http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/plantanswers/publications/beaumont/smshrubs.html
  • Dwarf Plants – http://www.iloveindia.com/garden/tips-techniques/dwarf-plants.html
  • Bonsai Tree Types and General Care Guide – http://www.bonsaigardener.org/bonsai-tree-types.html
  • Pruning Ornamental Shrubs – http://extension.missouri.edu/publications/DisplayPub.aspx?P=G6870
  • Plant Hardiness Zone Map – http://www.naturehills.com/plant_zone_map.aspx