Durable Dog Toys for Jack Russell Terriers

Durable dog toys are a total necessity. Most dogs like to chew and many dog toys on the market cannot stand up to the abuse. It is important to choose a toy that is the right size and density for your dog. You certainly do not want to be throwing a large, heavy rubber KONG toy to a miniature poodle. Not to mention that if a larger, heavy toy lands on the dog, he or she could become injured. You also want the dog toys you choose to be easy for your dog to handle, carry and chew on or they will choose your favorite slippers instead.

My dog loves to play with a Frisbee type flyer toy but the ones meant for people tend to get chewed around the edges and then cut his lips and gums. The cloth type are good for the dog’s mouth, but don’t usually fly very well and that is half the fun of throwing it for him. There are some made out of rubber that don’t hurt the dog and fly a bit better than cloth, but they don’t fly as well as I would like and are fairly heavy to throw so I get tired of it before he does.

The best option I have found has a hard plastic center with a rubber outside for the best of both worlds. It flies, soars and floats. It is safe for the dog and we both enjoy hours of fun playing with it. See a review of this dog toy at www.propercareandfeedingof.com/durabledogtoys.htm

If you are thinking of getting your first dog, here are some points to consider:

Dogs are a valuable addition to any family. Over the years I’ve had quite a few. Right now I have a long haired Irish Jack Russell Terrier named Fritzie he is a great dog. I’ve had him since he was a puppy, which was 5 years ago. There are a lot of things to consider with dog ownership; early training, exercise, discipline, feeding, grooming, shots, health care, what to do when you are away, waste removal, kids, and travel.

Early Training:

If you get a dog as a puppy you will need patience. With puppies there are several things to consider.

Bathrooms are for people; your house is your puppy’s bathroom until they learn different. Some dogs like my Jack Russell take up to six months to gain control enough go out side especially in cold weather. Punishment is always counter productive. I have found my dogs work well with praise. When you bring a puppy into your home you will need to watch them as best you can. Take them out frequently and when they do their business outside praise them. Block off carpeted areas if you can’t keep an eye on them. If you see your puppy sniffing areas they have gone in, take them out you may not make it but they’ll get the idea.

Beginning other types of training when your dog is young helps too. I started Fritzie on sit, lay down, etc. with voice and hand signals so he knew both and now will obey both. If you watch the Dog Whisperer he is very helpful. Snapping your fingers can get your dogs attention, it worked with mine when he was young so if I want him to pay attention or come I snap my fingers.

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Chewing is another puppy issue that a can carry on into adulthood with some dogs. Giving them some thing to chew on will usually save your furniture, shoes, clothes, etc. Don’t give them old shoes or personal items because this can confuse them and they will think they can chew your good stuff. Don’t give your dog anything they can choke on.


Exercise is a major necessity for dogs. If a dog doesn’t get proper exercise they tend to develop issues like excessive barking, chewing, and some dogs can become easily agitated, aggressive and can become unmanageable.

Exercising your dog can be as simple as throwing a ball or going for a walk. How long or how many times you exercise them depends on the dog. My dog needs, on average, to be taken out twice a day for about 20 minutes each time. Walking is good for discipline and exercise. The road I live on isn’t good for walking on so I play with him.

There are quite a few different toys out there for you and your dog. I have a couple of Kongs which are a strong rubber dog toys they have a stepped shape so when the toy hits the ground it bounces in different directions to keep your dog busy, they can also be filled with treats to keep your dog occupied. Kongs also come in small, medium and large to fit your dog well. They are made in USA.

Balls are another great toy to keep your dog happy. Tennis balls are probably the most common ball used. The problem with many tennis balls is when your dog bites down they break it then chew them up. My dog can field strip a tennis ball in under 2 minutes. An Orbee tuff glow ball is a good choice because in the winter when it gets dark early you or your dog can find it. The reason I say you or your dog is because if they are like mine they can’t always see it in the dark and then end up hunting for it and the object is to burn off some energy. Another good bunch of toys are made of Zogoflex, a special compound which is durable for dogs, it is used to make frisbees, balls, and other assorted shapes. I like to use a Frisbee in the winter because they usually land on top of the snow or skip off the snow so he can find it.


Discipline is very important for the future of your pet owning experience. Never hit your dog. This can cause nipping, submissive urination, or your dog may avoid you out of fear. I use putting him in the corner or saying “bad dog” and making him go lay down. Some small issues you may have trouble breaking. For example my dog barks until he sees who is at the door, dogs like people can have their quirks. If it is something you can’t live with then you will have to keep at it.

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What you feed your dog and how often depends on the dog. Most of my dogs eat twice a day. You can use dry food only or a wet and dry combo so he gets the tooth cleaning from the dry food and the variety of wet food. Some dogs will eat constantly like my old lab did. With Fritzie I feed him twice and if he gets hungry he goes to his bowl and I’ll give him some more, which usually only happens when he’s been pretty active.


Depending on the dog grooming can be simple or a chore. On average, you should bathe your dog every two to three months, or whenever they roll in something bad. Bathing more often can strip the skin and fur of oils and contribute to dry skin. Some dogs need trimming especially around the face. My suggestion is if you don’t know what to do, take them to be groomed by a professional. If you can’t afford constant professional grooming watch what they do and do it yourself. Bathing your dog keeps them clean and reduces the problem of fleas and ticks. You should check and clean your dogs ears regularly to check for ear mites and infection, ask your vet what they recommend for cleaning your dogs ears. Nail clipping is important for a healthy happy dog. You can trim your dog’s nails with dog nail clippers or a battery operated nail grinder, always use caution with dogs nails not to cut back too far. If you look at their nail you will see what is called the quick, which you may not see on a dog with black nails. When cutting the nail take off the tip staying a little away from the quick. If you clip the quick it will bleed so have a towel or cloth handy to stop the bleeding.


Rabies shots protect you and your pet from rabies. When your dog is a puppy he should get the shots required in your area. Ask your vet how often your pet needs shots and what for. You may even do some research on this because some shots that were considered annual have changed to only being needed once, ask your vet.

Health care:

Check ups for your dog are good. If you notice something out of the ordinary, ask your vet. Most of the dogs I’ve had have been pretty healthy. Check your breed for issues. I had Dachshund/Chihuahua mix and he had spinal issues and ended up paralyzed. Issues like this should be considered because it took a long time for him to be able to get around again and I wouldn’t want to go through it again. So do your research.

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Leaving your dog:

Leaving your dog alone, may be stressful for you and for your dog. Starting them out young in a kennel is one option. You are very important to your dog, when you leave he may get into things or act out. I have heard of dogs peeing on the bed or in shoes. Some dogs chew things up. Mine gets in the trash. This is fixed by putting the trash away before we leave. Locking your dog in a room may work but the bathroom is a bad choice I have heard of them chewing the water line to the toilet and causing leaking. I have also seen them eat the carpet away from the door area, so use caution on where you put them any where when you’re away.

Dog Waste:

When your dog is a puppy you should work on getting them to do their business in a designated spot. The reason is dog urine tends to kill your lawn, and you don’t want to always be on the lookout for land mines. Dog waste can be taken care of several ways, walk them and pick it up and put in the trash. If they go in the yard you can get a dog waste compost set up that you bury in the yard.


Many dogs love to travel. This can be a heated topic, dogs over heating in cars is often an issue. There are solar window fans available to help with this but it is never a good idea to take your dog with you during the warmer months. In cooler months, always leave some windows open enough for them to get fresh air. It is best to have your stay in the back seat or with the passenger, never drive with your dog on your lap hanging out the drivers window, this is unsafe for you, your dog and any one else if your dog distracts you and you have an accident.

A dog is a bit of responsibility but can be well worth it. My dog is a very welcome addition to my family. Dog ownership takes some work in the beginning but is well worth it in the long run.