Dumb Funny Laws in Illinois

I did in article once about some of the dumb, funny laws in Indiana and Kentucky. So I got to thinking what are some of the dumb, funny laws in Illinois just for curiosity. I was I did a little research I was even more amused than before. Here are some of the dumb, funny laws in the state of Illinois according to dumblaws.com:

In the state of Illinois it states that you must contact the police before entering the city in an automobile. I honestly do not know what to think about that law. I always thought that you contact police for emergency situations. What should one say? Hello, 911 yes I am in my car and I am coming into the city to go to work so that my taxes can pay your salary.

Another law in the state of Illinois states that the English language is not to be spoken. After reading that I have come the conclusion that Illinois is a weird state to live in. First of all I am sure people in Illinois learned the English language as kids and was taught English in school. Seriously, what language should people in Illinois speak if is against the law to speak English? If I had to guess maybe they speak in pig Latin.

In Champaign, Illinois this law states one may not pee in his neighbor’s mouth. I really don’t have a comment on that law, I guess it speaks for itself.

In Chicago, Illinois this law states law forbids eating in a place that is on fire. In my personal opinion if I am eating at a restaurant and its on fire I am not going to finish my meal. By all means if your steak dinner or what ever you ordered is that important to then at least don’t let everyone at the restaurant suffer. At least pay for all of our dinners if you are willing to eat during a fire.

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Also, in Chicago, Illinois the law states that it is forbidden to fish while sitting on a giraffe’s neck. First of all why would you own a giraffe as a pet. Secondly, I have never in my life seen a person sitting at a lake or in an ocean and say hey watch for the police I while I my giraffe to catch this fish.

In Crete, Illinois this law states cars may not be driven through town. Ok I am going to say this again Illinois is a weird state to live in. Then again maybe the city of Crete is an Amish city and they drive tractors and wagons all day.

In Evanston, Illinois the law states bowling is forbidden. The only thing I can think to say about that is maybe some point and time in that city a tragic bowling accident happened. Perhaps someone didn’t understand the object of bowling and ran down the bowling lane to knock down the bowling pins instead of using a bowling bowl.

Also, in Evanston, Illinois the law states it is unlawful to change clothes in an automobile with the curtains drawnexcept in case of fire. Ok really not sure what that is trying to interpret . What I really want to know is when did cars come available with curtains. I have yet to see a mustang, camaro, escalade, or any automobile with curtains. I guess maybe the law is pertain to mobile trailers or campers but then again I think that campers and mobile trailers are not automobiles.

In my article I wrote on dumb, funny laws in Indiana and Kentucky I was really amused and had a great laugh but after reading about some of laws in Illinois I have came to the conclusion that Illinois is one crazy state.

See also  Oh, Those Strange Kansas Laws

Sources: dumblaws.com