DRTA: A Specific Reading Strategy

Most reading strategies focus on reading before, during or after reading. Some combine these focuses. However, very few focus on all three at one time. One of the reading strategies that focus on all three phases of reading at the same time is the DRTA. What does DRTA stand for? DR stands for directed reading. T A stands for thinking activity. In other words, the students are taught several strategies to help them before reading, during their reading, and after reading.

Before reading, they are taught strategies that will help them to make an educated guess on what the article is about and to focus on what they may already know about what they are going to read. They are taught a few skills to use during reading, to make sure that they stay focused and become active readers. The last step is to teach them some strategies that they can use after reading to learn how to review what they have read and make valid conclusions.

Through the use of the DRTA reading strategy, students will learn to think about what they are going to read while making predictions, to pay closer attention for comprehension during reading, and to to use activities after reading to reflect on what they have read. Also, there are graphic organizers available to help focus attention on the directed reading and thinking activities. So the strategy can be used by teaching strategies for each stage of the reading process or it can be used as a sole DRTA reading graphic organizer. I prefer to teach the strategies. Most DRTA reading graphic organizers list three different strategies. The sheet can be broken down into a three column organizer detailing predicting for per reading, listing important information for during reading, and summarizing for after reading. The DRTA reading strategy chart could include information for predicting before reading, listing important information during reading, and summarizing for after reading.

See also  Three Types of Graphic Organizers to Use with Your Students

The neat thing about the DRTA reading strategy is that it leaves it up to the teacher to figure out how they are going to check for reading before, during, and after reading.

Some strategies that can be used for the DRTA reading strategy or the Directed Reading Thinking Aloud reading strategy are listed below.

1) Pre reading activities may include the KWL graphic organizer which asks what you already know and what you expect to learn

2) During reading activities may include formulating questions while reading.

3) Post reading activities may include answering the l or what I learned portion of the KWL graphic organizer.

The possibilities with the DRTA reading strategy or Directed Reading Thinking Activity reading strategy are limitless. It is up to the teacher’s imagination and use of available resources how she wishes to tailor the activity. The important part of the DRTA reading strategy is that students will be learning how to be actively involved in their reading, which hopefully will increase their long term comprehension after reading.


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