Dreamweaver 8 – Map Quest Extension

Do you want to offer your visitors driving directions from their location straight to yours? Thanks to Dreamweaver 8 you can now do that in a few easy steps. Dreamweaver 8 offers a new extension called Map Quest. You can insert this piece of code on your page and visitors can enter their address and get directions straight to your place of business. Or whatever the case may be for using the map. In this Guide I will show you how to give your visitors driving directions straight to you.

Dreamweaver 8 – Map Quest Extension

Step 1 – Open your Dreamweaver 8 program.

Step 2 – Open the page that you wish to insert the map on.

Step 3 – If you don’t see your Insert Panel at the top of your Dreamweaver 8 window then click View > Toolbars > Insert. That will bring up your insert panel.

Step 4 – Locate the little Blue Button with the Binoculars and click it. That will bring up the Map Quest Dialog Box.

Step 5 – Enter your address, city, state, and zip code for the place you want your visitors to visit.

Step 6 – Click OK.

Now you will see your document in the Dreamweaver window. You can customize the boxes using CSS. When a visitor enters their starting destination and clicks Get Directions, it will take them to Map Quest and show them directions straight to the destination that you entered in the Map Quest Dialog Box. I think this is a nice extension that Dreamweaver 8 has and it will save webmasters time by being able to click the map quest button. Instead of coding all of that line by line.