Dreams in the Epic of Gilgamesh

Dreams are regarded in many different ways, depending on the person, culture, community, family, or nation. The importance of dreams is based on how a person feels about them. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, both Gilgamesh and Enkidu have dreams that are of vast importance to both them and the story. Their dreams are interpreted and we find that the dreams affect the story greatly.

Their dreams were important in the story because the Ancient Mesopotamians believed that dreams came from the gods and had special meaning. In my world, a bubble that contains the community surrounding Evansville, Indiana and a few other places I have been, things are different than in Ancient Mesopotamia. In my world, dreams typically do not carry such importance because the people of my world do not believe that they are sent by gods, need interpretation, or foretell the future.

The people of my world do not place importance in dreams because they usually do not believe that they are sent by gods. In my world, many people do not believe in a god or more than one god. Because of this, they do not believe that dreams are sent by one or more gods. Also, many people in my world do not believe that dreams are god-sent because it does not seem possible or logical to them. It does not make sense that important truths and future events would be revealed during sleep. Many people believe that sleep is a time when the brain rests and thoughts that arise are silly and meaningless. This belief keeps the people of my world from thinking of dreams as having importance.

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Dreams do not carry much importance in my world because we generally do not believe that dreams need interpretation. These two things go hand in hand. Since we do not believe dreams are important, we do not believe that they need to be interpreted; because we do not believe they need to be interpreted, we do not place much importance in our dreams. I think that we do not think that dreams require interpretation because we have never thought of dreams in that way before. Many people simply think of dreams as stories that we make up while you sleep and they do not need to be interpreted because we made them up and so, we know what they mean. We generally never think that we should have to ask someone to tell us what our thoughts mean.

In my bubble of a world, we generally do not believe that dreams foretell the future. As I stated before, we usually think of dreams as something that we make up while we sleep. Because we believe this, we do not think that our dreams fortell the future. Also, the people in my world are typically quite cautious of any person or idea that says that we can know the future. We usually do not believe in clairvoyance. Because we do not believe in clairvoyance, most of us do not believe that our dreams can tell us the future.

Dreams usually do not carry much importance in my world because we do not believe that are sent by gods, need interpretation, or foretell the future. My world, which consists of the community of and surrounding Evansville and the other places I have been outside of Evansville, is very different from Ancient Mesopotamia when it comes to what we believe about our dreams. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, which is an ancient Mesopotamian story, two characters, Gilgamesh and Enkidu, have dreams that are of vast importance to both them and the story. Their dreams are interpreted and we find that the dreams affect the story greatly. Their dreams were important in the story because the Ancient Mesopotamians believed that dreams came from the gods and had special meaning.