DPT Vaccine Ingredients

The DPT vaccine is the Diphtheria – Pertussis – Tetanus vaccine manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline. This vaccine includes diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis adsorbed, the chemicals in the list of DPT vaccine ingredients includes formaldehyde, aluminum phosphate, ammonium sulfate, and thimerosal, and animal by products of washed sheep RBCs. I do not agree with injecting viral and bacterial into the body since this does not promote the same natural immunity as having the disease does, but let it be noted I do not agree with this since it lacks the ability to give permanent immunity not only is the practice innocuous the end result is the body learns very little about fighting the disease. My primary focus here is on the actual toxic chemical and metal ingredients.

Formaldehyde is one of the most toxic of the DPT vaccine ingredients and should not be injected into the body. Just breathing formaldehyde in gaseous form used to be considered safe at 1 part per million, but even that has been revised and formaldehyde is no longer safe. In liquid form it is much more concentrated and if breathing the gas is dangerous, it should not be injected in a concentrated form. Formaldehyde is a sensitizer, it causes neurological damage is a suspected carcinogen and has been linked to leukemia. Formaldehyde is also an ingredient in many vaccines, (see my article on formaldehyde), and with so many vaccines given out like candy it is hard to imagine that by the time a child reaches adulthood that these toxic chemicals are not going to take a toll on the human body. (read my article on Formaldehyde here)

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Aluminum Phosphate is an Aluminum salt and Aluminum although found in minute amounts in natural sources, it is considered a powerful Neurotoxin and has been linked to Alzheimer’s, dementia, decreased liver function, encephalitis , esophagitis and more. An interesting statistic is America has only 4.5% of the worlds population, we have 25% of the worlds cases of Alzheimer’s, and those who get their flu vaccine 5 years in a row have a 10 fold increase in getting Alzheimer’s. As a neurotoxin there are no real studies and it would be difficult to determine the effects on young children without using a portion of the population as a control group, which they will not do. Common sense should tell the least of us that this should not be one of the DPT vaccine ingredients. (Read my article on Aluminum Phosphate here)

Ammonium Sulphate is a fertilizer, by the studies and tests required for the MSDS sheets it is determined it is a hazardous chemical, but not in small amounts. One must keep in mind that these tests only show work place and handling environments where the dust may be breathed, it comes in contact with the skin, and a potential exists for ingestion, however these tests do not determine the potential hazard of injecting this hazardous chemical into the body. The body by typical testing has defense mechanisms to prevent much of the toxic chemicals from entering into the blood stream and inner workings of the organism. (Read my article on Ammonium Sulphate here)

Thimerosal is about 50% mercury and is the most toxic chemical of DPT vaccine ingredients. Supposedly mercury has been removed from many vaccines, however it is still used in the manufacturing process of the vaccine and is then filtered out of the final product. Because of the supposed removal of Thimerosal people have a better feeling, doctors say they have improved the safety of the vaccines, but the problem still exists because during the manufacturing process the mercury binds with proteins in the vaccine ingredients and remains after the filtration process is completed and studies have found that mercury still exists in the vaccine that does not have Thimerosal in it. Mercury is the second most toxic chemical known to man and some doctors who dare to stand against the industry and vaccines claim the amount of mercury in some vaccines would require a 225 pound man to absorb and handle the mercury present in the vaccine, but these are being injected into children. (Read my article on Thimerosal here)

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DPT Vaccine Ingredients:






Aluminum Phosphate:




Ammonium Phosphate:







Disclaimer: This article, “DPT vaccine ingredients “, is not intended to give medical advice. It is a call to educate yourself so that in making a decision where your child is concerned, you should take an active role in learning all you can from medical experts on both sides of the fence, then make an educated decision. we did not make an informed decision until one son got Leukemia and another developed Autism immediately after receiving his MMR vaccine. This has sent us on a quest to inform ourselves and others to seriously question what kind of toxic soups are being injected with the vaccines. Odds are if your child is injured by a vaccine, you have little or no recompense against the industry.
