Don’t Think of All Pot Smokers as the Stereotypical Stoner

We all know the typical stoner attributes. The messy hair, bad hygeine, couch potato tendencies, unproductive behavior, and being a loser. But the thing is, not all people who smoke pot fall into this category. It is completely stereotypical to think that all people who smoke marijuana are stoners. This is true for any stereotype. Not all black people love fried chicken. Not all Mexicans are gonna shank you. Not all Asians are amazing at math. Not all blondes are dumbasses. The list goes on and on.

I myself am a consumer of marijuana. I smoke probably at least once a day. But that doesn’t stop me from getting all my homework done, and keeping a 20 hour a week job. I also don’t just listen to music and watch TV all day. I am a productive member of society who happens to enjoy getting stoned from time to time. At school, I maintain a 3.5 GPA, and am in some Advanced Placement classes. I will be attending a 4 year college in the fall, and am planning to major in psychology. I have many friends who smoke pot who also lead productive lifestyles.

I really hate all the bad rep that people who consume marijuana get. While it is true that there are still stoners in the world, there is also an increasing amount of people who smoke pot but don’t fall into the stereotype. I still can’t believe why it’s illegal. I mean come on, look at alcohol. That is legal and many people are hurt and killed by it every day. Marijuana has never been the cause of a single death. Ever. It is physically impossible to overdose on pot. Alcohol on the other hand, you can definitely overdose on.

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What I am trying to say is don’t believe the stereotypes. People who believe in stereotypes are extremely closed minded and need to learn to see that everyone is unique. When one smokes pot, it is up to that person to decide if he should do something like clean his room or go watch TV. It is all about willpower.
There are some people who don’t smoke that still have unproductive lifestyles, and there are also some people who do smoke weed that still lead productive lifestyles. See? It all depends on the person and if they have the willpower to be a productive or unproductive person.