Don’t Rely on the Vagisil Screening Kit

You may have heard of the product that will test for vaginal infections at home. It’s called the Vagisil Screening Kit, and it claims to tell you what kind of infection you have. Is this really a good product to use, or would you benefit more going to your gynecologist for a thorough exam and diagnosis?

Let me start by reviewing the kit and how to use it. The kit comes with 2 pH wands, complete instructions, and a guide that will show you what the pH means as far as what kind of infection you may have. When you open the box, you’ll find 2 pH wands, with the tiny circle on each wand being a yellow or green color. Do not touch these circles; these are what will determine your pH and any outside contact may change the color unnecessarily. Next, insert the wand into the vagina, and press against the vaginal wall for about 5 seconds. Remove the wand, then compare the color of the circle to the colors on the Vagisil Screening Kit pH paper. The pH levels will vary from 4.5 to 7.5. A pH level of 4.5 may indicate a possible yeast infection. A pH reading higher than 5.0 may indicate a trichomonosis or bacterial vaginosis infection. A yeast infection can be cured at home, if you have treated yourself at home before. If this is your first infection, see a doctor for proper treatment. The other 2 infections need to be treated with antibiotics, prescribed by a doctor.

These are some things you should remember before using the screening kit. Do not use the wands during your period, immediately after sexual intercourse, or after douching. Wait at least 5 days after your period has ended, and at least 48 hours after intercourse or douching to use the kit. You want to get an accurate reading, and these factors can raise your pH level more. The kit will not tell you if you have an STD, nor will it tell you the exact vaginal infection you have – only a doctor can tell you these things. It’s also important to use a new wand every time you test yourself.

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Overall, I’m not very impressed with this product at all. For the $15-$20 price tag it carries, it doesn’t do much, and I can get better care from my gynecologist. The only thing the kit may be helpful for is telling you the pH level and if you have a yeast infection. How accurate is that anyway? If you’ve had a yeast infection before, then you probably already know the symptoms, and how to treat it on your own. I don’t trust the kit, and I wouldn’t recommend it to anybody. I think it’s just a scam for women to fall for. If you are that concerned about having an infection, just get to your doctor in the first place; don’t waste your time or money on the Vagisil Screening Kit. Nobody likes to go to their gyno, it can be embarrassing, yes, but you need to go because your health is important, especially when it deals with your woman parts! It’s not worth buying the kit, just to tell you that you have a pH level of 5.0 and you need to see a doctor anyway for treatment! Be safe and see a doctor. Save your $15 on the kit, and put it towards a co-payment or prescription instead.
