Documentary Review: Fat Head: The Movie

In a direct response to Super Size Me and the ridiculous assumptions of eating whatever you want in whatever quantity you want Tim Naughton shows you can eat healthy, lose weight and beat the skeptics back with junk food.

Ever watch that documentary Super Size Me from Morgan Spurlock? Well I have not and would not care to, I think it is ridiculous for someone to eat something like 5000 calories a day and wonder why he gains weight. Of course anything in excess is bad for you but to publish a documentary about it is even worse and one with built in falsehoods to boot.

Tom Naughton counters the ridiculous assumptions of not only Morgan Spurlock and his documentary but many convention wisdoms of medicine and weight loss with his adept and carful study of the same month long eating binge of fast food. He also uses real medical expertise, research and careful medical planning to eat his way to better health using fast food in the documentary Fat Head.

Tom Naughton consulted a physician, always good when starting a diet or weight loss plan or exercising, and went on a month long fast food eating craze. But over a month, 28 days to be exact, he lost 12 pounds and lowered his cholesterol as well on a diet that most doctors swear cannot do this.

Fat Head uncovers some possible contradictions in our beliefs about health and nutrition and looks at it head on with facts and medical advice from experts in the field of medicine and nutrition. I really do like to keep an open mind but some things that have been coming to light lately make me wonder.

Studies have been coming out about the CDC, health and nutrition and even fat lowering drugs that have me concerned and wanting more information. I found one that is a good example that led me to others; our own government wants us to believe that lowering our cholesterol is better for us and good for our hearts.

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Yet several studies have shown that cholesterol does not have the effect on heart disease our government thought it did. The popular notion that reducing cholesterol is better for us is being looked at in new ways and facts are coming to light like how numbers of people with low cholesterol who have heart disease is about even with higher cholesterol patients.

A good example that is given in the movie is about fat and low fat diets, we assume because the government wants us to that fat is bad for us and low fat diets are good. Yet people who get heart disease, heart attacks and strokes that are on the low fat diets are ignored by the studies the government uses.

I have done a little research on my own and many recent studies and news reports are talking about low fat diets not stopping heart disease and cancer yet the government still stresses the importance of low fat diets. I get this from my doctor and nutritionist in the Veterans Hospital as well; I should lower my cholesterol and eat less fat to get healthy. But am I getting healthy or just adding to the government’s agricultural system by eating more agricultural products?

Tom Naughton raises some good points about health and our government as well as points made in the documentary Super Size Me, diet and nutrition is a very changing subject and facts speak for themselves. Tom Naughton proved he could lose weight by eating wisely, Morgan Spurlock ate a lot of high fat food and he gained weight. But is over eating any cause for us to sit up and take note or should we be more concerned about eating better and getting exercise as well.

There is no surprise here that if you limit the amount of calories you can lose weight but for Morgan Spurlock he also did not tell the truth in his documentary. According to the documentary Super Size Me, Morgan consumed almost 5000 calories at McDonalds in several meals eating a Super Sized meal with a sandwich, fries and a drink. Yet Tom Naughton could not get that many calories unless he added a couple of extra desserts to a meal to get the 5000 calories a day that Morgan claims.

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When Tom asked publishers and other people connected with the documentary for facts behind the documentary such as eating logs or lists of meals consumed they could not produce any. This is how in a documentary you prove using facts that you ate what you say you did and gained the weight, facts on paper you can show to whoever asks for them.

Documentaries that include facts like eating meals at a restaurant and proposing that eating the food there is unhealthy should be able to back up their claims with plain facts. Tom Naughton talked with several experts of his own, doctors and nutritionists, to back up his facts and get the results whether he wanted them or not but that are facts.

According to Tom Naughton’s documentary and several dieticians and doctors he consulted losing weight is as simple as lowering your calories but also lowering your carbohydrates and getting exercise. Our government does not like to hear this because of the large agricultural business we have built up over the years in America.

Aside from the facts of losing weight on the low carb diet by eating at fast food joints he also speculates that sugar is our enemy and not our friend. Eating all those high sugar foods also does mess up our metabolism and several of the doctors he has talked with agree that diets that are low in processed sugars like fructose and sucrose are better for you.

One of the biggest things he talks about is the obesity epidemic we are supposed to believe our government says we are in. Walk around the mall or a park and see what they are talking about, is America getting fatter or are we just seeing more of it in the news and less of it in real studies including facts.

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Looking at studies should resolve the issue but some studies lack enough data and facts to give a real look at obesity and health as it regards to weight. Weight and height comparison has been a long established way for our government to judge whether we are overweight but many are questioning this now according to several studies.

Whether you agree or disagree with our government’s handling of weight concerns, dieting and weight loss techniques is not really Tom Naughton’s goal, its being open minded and getting the facts for yourself. He gives you some alternative facts and medical advice then tells you to find out for yourself, don’t just watch a supposed documentary and believe what they say.

I also agree that you have to find out for yourself, a good approach to this is getting enough facts; a good start is Tom’s documentary Fat Head. Has our government been feeding us a lot of bologna?, find out for yourself and get the facts from several sources to make up your mind.

But first watch the documentary, hear with open ears the facts of a man losing weight and watch the surprise on his doctor’s face when he sees it for himself. I was quite skeptical about this documentary when I started this review but I really do like seeing things from different views and with fresh eyes and have enjoyed a look at my own health with those fresh views.
