Do You Know How to Tell If Water Has Damaged Your Car?

The Car Care Council has just issued a press release with helpful tips for drivers to determine if their car has suffered water damage. Water damage is something that can be hard to detect and even harder to remove. If your car has recently driven through a large amount of standing or moving water you should follow the tips in their press release to inspect your car closely to make sure there is not any hidden damage. Local news outlets usually concentrate on the damages of flowing water during storms, and fail to mention the damage your car might suffer from driving thorough standing water. By doing a complete inspection of your car with the tips in the press release you can avoid possible costly repair bills in the future if you catch the problems early on. The Car Care Council is offering you plenty of free advice about the same items your local mechanic or car repair shop would charge you to inspect.

Water damage is not always obvious, a lot of times you have to look inside and under parts of your car to determine if your car has suffered water damage. Check under your carpets, uphostery, and door trim areas for water that is trapped in these areas. The press release indicates that trying to let this dry naturally can result in issues such as mold, rust, and mildew. They suggest if you discover water in these areas of your car to take it to a professional to remove it effectively.

Many people only think about their air filter when getting their oil changed, and rely on where they take it to get the oil change to do that task for them. The truth is, you should check it more often than that, especially if your car has been exposed to a large amount of water. A wet air filter will not perform it’s job for your car effectively. Neither will a headlight or a turn signal that has water inside of it. Sure it might perform reasonably well for some time, but in the end it’s best to replace it as soon as you notice it for safety and functionality reasons, according to the press release.

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Certain mechanical areas of your car need to be inspected if you drive through large amounts of water. Many of these are ones you can do yourself. They include the suspension joints, oil and transmission fluid dipsticks, radiator, and undercarriage of your car. If you see any signs of water damage in these areas, or something “just doesn’t look right” after driving through a large amount of water, the press release suggests contacting a professional to assist in checking and making necessary repairs.

“It all comes down to how much water the vehicle took in and where it reached,” said Rich White, executive director, Car Care Council. “By being car care aware and following these simple guidelines, you can help minimize the potential for damage to your vehicle.”

Not all the effects of water damage can be detected visually. As an average consumer driving their car you are not likely to take your engine apart to inspect for water damage. That does not mean you can’t recognize warning signals of water damage it has received though according to the press release. If you hear abnormal noises while your car is running listen carefully. It’s best if you can describe the noises to your mechanic to give them an idea of what might be causing the problem. The sound and the location can help point your mechanic in the right direction.

Your car won’t be damaged every time you drive through a puddle. Yet, if you drive through a large amount of standing or moving water it is a good idea to give your car a quick inspection at your next stop. If you hear unusual sounds coming from the car’s engine you should seek mechanical advice from a professional immediately.

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SOURCES: “How To Tell if Water Has Damaged Your Car”.