Do Abdominal Fat Loss TV Products on Infomercials Work?

Struggling to lose abdominal fat? Belly fat got you down? Curious if stomach fat TV products really work? Many men and women struggle to lose abdominal fat and overall body fat, and will try any exercise routine gimmick they see on TV advertising.

TV advertising shows a fat woman or fat man before use of the ab exercise equipment, and then after: often significant body fat reduction. The men and women models using these ab exercise machines or little gadgets have nice lean muscles and slick abs. Abdominal equipment: Can these exercise machines ALONE really work to slash body fat?

Here’s the problem with these infomercials: They lead you to believe that one little gadget, that slides under your bed or easily folds up, can bring a 180 pound woman’s body down to 130 pounds — that all you need do is gently rock back and forth; or sway to and fro; or twist and turn while watching TV…and in six weeks, you will lost 8 inches off your abs.

They want you to believe that just “minutes a day” on this seated gadget, in which all you do is curl up and down or turn side to side, will somehow sculpt your shoulders and arms ! Because this is what the before and after photos of the men and women depict in these ads!

You cannot get a buff, sculpted physique from simply curling up and down or twisting right to left and left to right. Any kind of curling, bending or twisting motion of your abs has NO effect — I repeat — NO effect on leg muscle toning, arm muscle toning, or chest muscle toning.

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The abdominal machine gadget, in and of itself, will not produce this body transformation in any man or woman. What these infomercials skimp on is delivering information about the REST of the program: You must follow the entire accompanying exercise program — if there even IS one (aerobic routines, strength training routines) and fat loss diets to get these dramatic fitness results.

In fact, sometimes the fat loss program consists of enough product (DVDs, charts, graphs, booklets, menu planners, pamphlets, folders, recipe guides) to load up a small dining table. But 98 percent of the infomercial is about that little abdominal exercise gadget. This creates the illusion that all any man or woman need do is spend “minutes a day” sliding back and forth or twisting or gently crunching, to get marvelous results.

NOT SO. If it were that easy, think of how buff a couch potato would be, who has the habit of rocking back and forth while eyes are glued to the TV!

The camera zooms in on the model’s six pack abs while the model demonstrates the ab exercise equipment. The six pack abs pulsate with every motion while on the exercise machine gadget. This creates the illusion that the gadget alone will get six pack abs for you.

But consider this: If that same model was shown lounging in a bed, and turned a little to shift position…their abs would show in the same way ! You cannot transform a flabby body into sleek, defined tight muscles just by doing ab routines!