DIY: Make Your Own Pool Party Invitations

This time of year, pool parties are popular. Even in the winter pool parties at a rented hotel pool can be tons of fun. Everyone does the beach ball invitation, so how to you make a unique pool birthday party invitation? Here are a couple of options:

Beach Ball with a Twist

What You Will Need:

  • Deflated Beach Balls
  • Rubber Cement
  • Scissors
  • White Cardstock
  • Red, Blue, and Yellow Construction Paper
  • Pencil
  • Glue
  • Black Marker

1. Draw 2 6″ circles on a piece of card stock. Leave one circle blank and add in the different sections, which will be the different colors of the beach ball to the other. Cut each section out to use as a template.

2. Trace the templates on the various colors of construction paper very carefully. If you’re going to blow your beach balls up to distribute your invitation, you will need one set of colored sections for each invitation. If you’re going to leave your beach balls deflated, you’ll need two sets. You can choose to make each beach ball invitation the same color pattern, or alternate the colors, making sure you don’t put two color sections of the same color next to each other. You can even choose to alternate leaving a white section in between each colored section of your beach ball.

3. Trace the circle you left whole onto card stock. If you’re going to blow your beach balls up, you need one circle for every invitation needed. If you’re going to leave it deflated, you’ll need two circles.

4. Glue a set of colored sections onto each circle. Let them dry.

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5. Once your beach balls are dry, write information about your party like what, who, where, when, and where to RSVP or call for information, onto each section of the beach ball. If you’re leaving the beach balls deflated, only write your information on half the circles.

6. If you’re blowing your beach balls up, you’ll need to do that now. Brush rubber cement onto the back of your card and stick it to your beach ball. If you’re leaving them deflated, brush rubber cement to the back of one, place the deflated beach ball on it, and then top it with another beach ball card with the rubber cement. Let them dry.

7. Once you distribute your invitations, your guests can peel or rub the rubber cement right off and will already come to your party prepared to have fun with their beach ball party favor.

Swimming Suit Invitations

What You will Need:

  • Card Stock
  • Red or Blue Glitter
  • Clear Glitter
  • Glue
  • Ribbon to Match
  • Markers or Paint in the Color of Your Choice
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Hole Punch
  • Blue Highlighter
  • Crafting Sand

1. Create a template by drawing a swimsuit onto card stock. Make the straps square, the neckline can be drawn by drawing the top of a heart or a curved, scooping line joining the straps, curve the sides of the swimsuit in, draw two lines curving in and down from the sides, join them with a small line. Cut out your template.

2. Trace you template onto card stock. You will need two sides for each invitation. Cut them out.

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3. On cardstock, draw simple, tropical four or five petal flowers on card stock to create a template. Cut them out. You can add more than one to each side of your bathing suit card.

4. With your computer, type up and print out information for your party so that it can be cut into an ocean shape small enough to fit inside your card. Place several on each sheet of card stock so you don’t waste it. Once you’ve printed out your party information, cut each one into an ocean shape with curved points for waves. Use the Highlighter to color these blue drawing curved and pointed lines for waves into it.

5. Decide what color you want to paint your bathing suit and flowers. Color or paint one side of each template, coloring the other side of half of them sky blue. Whichever color of glitter you are using for your flowers, you should color or paint each flower the same color on one side. Let them dry.

6. Once the flowers and suit are dry, paint a thin layer of glue on, then sprinkle glitter over them. Use clear glue for the bathing suit. For the flowers, you should use the same color of glitter, meaning, if you painted them red, use red glitter. Let these dry.

7. Once the glue and glitter are dry, glue the flowers randomly on the outside of the card sections. Let them dry.

8. On the inside of the card sections, use the sky blue side of the bathing suit for the top half of the card. You can draw in little sea birds if you like. On the bottom, first glue the sea onto the card up toward the neckline of the bathing suit. Color any exposed areas, like the neckline or straps. On the bottom half of that section, paint glue to meet the sea of information. Sprinkle on the crafting sand to create a beach. Leave it open to dry.

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9. Line up the two halves of the card, inside to inside. Punch two holes side by side in each strap of the bathing suit. Cut a piece of ribbon and bring the two ends up through the holes from the bottom, tying them in a pretty little bow.

Tip: You can cut out little beach toys and glue these to the sand section once the glue is dry.