DIY Guide: How to Seal a Deck

Wood decks are a great addition to your home. Not only do they provide a place for your family and friends to enjoy Mother Nature, they also add value to your home. The one problem with wood decks is that they require a bit of maintenance. Cleaning and sealing your wood decks is the key to ensuring that your wood deck will last a long time.

Your wood deck takes a beating from the sun and rain. Without proper weather proofing your wood deck will begin to fade to a dull grey color, splinter, warp, and eventually fall apart. To protect your deck’s value be sure to clean and stain it regularly. A good way to tell if your deck needs to be stained is if it quickly absorbs water. If you spray water on your deck and it beads up into little puddles your deck is probably still pretty well stained.

The next step to sealing your deck is making sure it is clean. Most home improvement stores sell wood deck cleaner. If you chose to use one of those, follow the manufacturer’s directions. However, most wood deck cleaners work the same way, except some require you to apply the cleaner when the deck is wet and some want the deck to be dry. You can also clean your own deck if you have a pressure washer. Just be sure to let it dry thoroughly before you seal it. Preferably wait 48 hours before sealing the deck, even if you use the commercial cleaning product.

To clean the deck you will need:

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Push broom with non metal bristles



Deck Cleaner


Sand any rough or splintered spots on the deck with the sandpaper. Once you have done that, thoroughly sweep the deck, making sure to remove anything that has become stuck in the cracks of the wood. If you are using a concentrated deck cleaner you will need to mix it with water according to the directions. Otherwise apply the cleaner to the deck and spread it around with the push broom. Make sure to coat the entire deck without letting the cleaner form puddles or dry. If there are any stains on the deck, scrub them extra hard with your broom. Let the cleaner soak into the deck for about ten minutes. Then rinse off with a garden hose. Be sure to clean all of your equipment off with soapy water after you are done to prevent damage.

Sealing Your Deck:

After you deck has been thoroughly cleaned and had plenty of time to dry, you will need to seal it. There are many types of sealers on the market, including those that are clear all the way up to those that are completely colored and resemble paint more than deck sealer. Generally, the more color in your stain the more it will protect your deck, but the more likely you are to lose the wood look. If your deck is extremely grey and damaged you may want to go with a darker colored sealer. Once you have selected your sealer it is time to apply the seal to your deck.

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Tools and Materials Needed To Seal Your Deck:


Paint Roller With Extension Handle

Stir Stick (These are usually free at the home improvement store)

Small Paint Brush


Directions For Sealing Your Deck:

When sealing your deck you want to make sure that you plan for a day that will have fair weather. If it rains, is too hot, cold, or humid you will have problems with your deck. Assuming that it is a nice day, try to seal your deck early in the morning or in the later part of the afternoon to avoid your stain drying too quickly without being absorbed into the wood. Make sure your deck is completely dry and not wet from rain or morning dew.

The first thing you will need to do when sealing your deck is to thoroughly sweep your deck with the broom.

Once that is done, open your can of deck sealer and stir it with your stir stick. Then apply your stain to the deck with your roller in a thin, even layer. Like with the deck cleaner you want to make sure you don’t get any puddles.

After you have applied a layer of sealer on the entire deck, use your paintbrush to trim the wood and cover any areas that weren’t covered with the roller. After you do this you will probably want to apply a second coat. This is optional, but a good idea.

After you apply your second coat of sealer to your deck, clean all of your materials. Let your deck thoroughly dry before anyone walks on it. That’s all there is to cleaning and sealing your decks. These directions are just basic guidelines, when in doubt always refer to the directions on the products you are using.

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Recommended Products:

A great wood cleaner is Cabot Problem Solver Wood Brightener, you can get a big bottle of it at Lowe’s for less than $20.00

For stains I recommend Olympic Gallon Wood Protector Semi-Transparent Deck, Fence and Siding Stain you can find this stain at Lowe’s for around $24.00 a gallon.

Another economical sealer for wood decks is Thompson’s WaterSeal Clear Multi-Surface Waterproofer Gallon a gallon of this wood protectant sells for less than ten dollars at home depot.