DIY Dry Shampoo Recipes and Ingredients

Although good hygiene is a must there are just some days washing your hair is impossible. The kids are crying, you’re late to work, the hot water is out or a multitude of other reasons.These are all good exceptions for not being able to wash your hair. With all of the shampoos and conditioners on the market there is still an alternative to two-day old bed head and it’s dry shampoo. Unlike running to the store in a frenzy because you need shampoo or worrying about oily hair; you can run to your pantry and use some regular household items to carry you over until you can get a shower. Here are some DIY items to use for your dry shampoo.

Single item ingredients:

Household items such as baby powder, cornstarch, corn meal and white or wheat flour can all be used for dry shampoo when in a tight pinch. Place the ingredient in a small container and begin by separating a segment of hair. Dip one of your fingertips into the powder and dab it on to the the roots of your hair and scalp. Repeat this process with new segments of hair in order to cover all of the your roots. After, use your fingers to massage and shake the dry shampoo into the hair. If your hair still looks oily repeat the process. Once the dry shampoo is applied and hair looks “cleaner” then brush your hair thoroughly to remove the excess. You may want to wash your brush after as it will have a residue left on it.

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Combinations of ingredients:

Baby powder and cornstarch can be purchased in a baby powder form or you can mix the two ingredients together at home if you don’t already have a container. Using equal parts mix the two ingredients. Another combination that can be used is oatmeal and baking soda in equal parts such as 1/2 a cup of each; depending on how much you want to keep on hand. White/wheat flour with ground almondsalso makes another combination of dry shampoo by using a 2:1 tablespoon ratio of flour to nuts. Cornstarch and cornmeal can also be used together in a 1:1 ratio of ingredients.

For multi-ingredient powered dry shampoo with a fine consistency the finger technique can be used, also. For recipes calling for heavier granules such as ground oatmeal or cornmeal start by separating the hair and sprinkle your hair at the roots. Continue to follow this procedure until all the roots are covered. After, brush out any extra residue. If there is still dry shampoo in your hair after wards flipping your hair over and brushing it down may pull out any excess.

As with any of these dry shampoos what ever is left should be placed in a dry, clean container with a tight lid since moisture will ruin its consistency. Using your fingers or sprinkling your shampoo is very simple but a blush brush is another alternative to apply a good coat on your hair. Although these light color powders are perfect for blonde hair it may “cloud” brunette shades. If you find this to be problematic, add unsweetened cocoa powder to your mixture and this should hold you over until you get a moment to shower.

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Source: Me

The Beauty Bunny
