Digging for Dollars: Programs, Services, and Grants for Elder Care

The older population – persons 65 years or older – numbered 36.8 million in 2005. They represented 12.4% of the U.S. population, about one in every eight Americans. The cost of providing health care for an older American is three to five times greater than the cost for someone younger than 65. By 2030, the nation’s health care spending is projected to increase by 25% due to demographic shifts unless improving and preserving the health of older adults is more actively addressed. By 2030, the number of Americans aged 65 and older will more than double to 71 million older Americans, comprising roughly 20 percent of the U.S. population. In some states, fully a quarter of the population will be aged 65 and older. If you are a caregiver for an elderly person, here are some resources that provide information on state and federal programs to help you.

Eldercare Locator
The Eldercare Locator connects older Americans and their caregivers with sources of information on senior services. The service links those who need assistance with state and local area agencies on aging and community-based organizations that serve older adults and their caregivers. You may find the information resources you need by calling toll-free at 1-800-677-1116 or visiting the web site. The Eldercare Locator is a public service of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration on Aging and is administered by the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging in cooperation with the National Association of State Units on Aging.

Elders & Families
Elders and Families is designed to assist older persons and their caregivers quickly obtain information and resources on a variety of aging-related topics. The information will help you become more familiar with issues affecting older adults, and the services and opportunities available to assist them. http://www.aoa.gov/eldfam/eldfam.asp

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Caregiver Resource Room
The Caregiver Resource Room provides caregivers and professionals information about The National Family Caregiver Support Program, including: where you can turn for support and assistance, and providing services to caregivers. http://www.aoa.gov/prof/aoaprog/caregiver/caregiver.asp

Alzheimer’s Resource Room
The Alzheimer’s Resource Room is where families, caregivers, and professionals can find information about The Alzheimer’s Demonstration Program, including: where you can turn for support and assistance, and providing services to caregivers. http://www.aoa.gov/alz

Aging Internet Information Notes
The Aging Internet Information Notes are intended to empower users to explore Internet resources. An effort is made to include links with information useful to consumers and professionals. More than 60 aging topics are currently represented in this series, including a note on care giving and death and dying. http://www.aoa.gov/prof/notes/notes.asp

National Institute on Aging
NIA is a branch of the National Institute of Health. They provide leadership in aging research, training, health information dissemination, and other programs relevant to aging and older people. They have resources for programs that offer federally and privately supported clinical research with human volunteers.

AARP is a nonprofit membership organization dedicated to addressing the needs and interests of persons 50 and older. Site provides useful information and resources on topics such as: health and wellness; economic security and work; long-term care and independent living; and personal enrichment.

American Society on Aging
The American Society on Aging is a nonprofit organization committed to enhancing the knowledge and skills of those working with older adults and their families. Site offers useful resources on a variety of aging-related topics. www.asaging.org

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The site is designed for both professionals and family members looking for information on eldercare and long term care, and includes links to information on legal, financial, medical, and housing issues, as well as policy, research, and statistics.

National Council on the Aging
The National Council on the Aging is an association of organizations and professionals dedicated to promoting the dignity, self-determination, well being, and contributions of older persons. The Senior’s Corner section of the site contains health related resources and tips.

Elder Rights – National Center for Elder Abuse
Site provides resources on elder abuse prevention, including information on reporting a suspected case of elder abuse.

Developed and maintained by The National Council on Aging (NCOA), BenefitsCheckUp is the nation’s most comprehensive Web-based service to screen for benefits programs for seniors with limited income and resources. BenefitsCheckUp includes more than 1,350 public and private benefits programs from all 50 states and the District of Columbia, such as:
·Prescription drugs
·State and ZIP code
·Date of birth for self and spouse
·(specifically, whether or not the person ever worked for the state, local, county, or federal government or the railroads) for self and spouse
·(such as mortgage/rent, utilities, out-of-pocket medical bills, expenses for caring for someone at home while the person works or goes to school, etc.)

Other Resources to use for finding elder care assistance:

Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (formerly the Health Care Financing Administration)
Comprehensive Eye Care information from “All About Vision
Directory of State Long Term Care Ombudsman Program
Social Security Administration

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