Different Types of Birthmarks

1 in 10 babies is born with a birthmark, although no one could tell you why some babies have birthmarks while others do not. Birthmarks are considered skin disorders, but do not cause any danger to the baby born with it the majority of the time. Although the reasons for birthmarks are still unknown, but a great deal of birthmarks fade away as the child gets older. Since birthmarks are not considered to be anything out of the ordinary, most people don’t seek information about them, or even make a big deal about them. Many people don’t know that there are actually several different kinds of birthmarks.

Different types of birthmarks- Hemangioma
This type of birthmark is most commonly appears on the neck or the head of a child. A hemangioma birthmark may not be visible right after birth, but should start showing up in the first four weeks of a baby’s life and continue to grow for a year and a half after it first appears. This type of birthmark is always a shade of red. Most birthmarks are completely harmless, but in rare cases, a hemangioma can actually cause problems with the child’s ability to see, speak, eat, and do other simple functions, and can even be life-threatening. If you notice a hemangioma birthmark on your child, it would be wise to see a doctor just to be safe.

Different types of birthmarks- Cavernous Hemangioma
This type of birthmark is actually raised off of the skin. A cavernous hemangioma birthmark is typically a shade of blue and continues to grow through the first six months of a child’s life. A unique characteristic of cavernous hemangioma birthmarks is that they almost always fade away by the time a child reaches their teenager years.

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Different types of birthmarks- Arteriovenus Malformation
A birthmark is called a birthmark because a child is born with this, and this type of birthmark is no different although it may not appear until later on. It is not uncommon for arteriovenus malformation birthmarks to appear in adults, although they were always there. This type of birthmark usually appears on the head, neck, and lips.

Different types of birthmarks- Mongolian Spot
Mongolian spot birthmarks are very common in babies and often look as they are bruises because of their bluish color. This type of birthmark can appear anywhere on the body and is another type of birthmark that usually fades away with age.

Different types of birthmarks- Cafe au Lait Spot
This is another very common type of birthmark. They get their name because of their color, they are usually a light shade of brown and appear in a flat patch. Cafe au Lait spot birthmarks can appear anywhere on a child’s body and do not fade away with age.

Different types of birthmarks- Congenital Pigmented Nevi
This is another one of the two types of birthmarks that can be dangerous. A congenital pigmented nevi is raised off of the skin and looks more like a mole than a birthmark. These birthmarks are always brown, but the shade of brown can vary. If you notice your child has this type of birthmark, you should take them to the doctor who will most likely remove the birthmark and test it to make sure everything is okay.

Different types of birthmarks- Port Wine Stain
Port wine stain birthmarks appear anywhere on a baby’s body and are very permanent, even with the help of laser removal treatments. This type of birthmark gets its name because of its color, which is usually a deep red or purple.

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