Did Sean Taylor Know His Killer?

“If death comes, it comes.”

Those were the words spoken from Sean Taylor himself at a September conference. His death has rattled the nation. The Washington Redskins lost a valuable football player. A little girl is now without a father.
Sean Taylor’s death is under investigation. There are too many circumstances surrounding his death. The media is hiding things, to certain keep certain information under wraps.

Did Sean know the identity of the intruder who shot the fatal shot that took his life? Evidence proves he did. The intruder, who broke into his home, shot him in the leg and not anywhere else. A struggle would have caused the location of the shot.

The gunshot wound that was the fatal shot happens to be in a main blood vessel. Sean lost too much blood to survive this attack. He was a target. The intruder knew exactly what he/she was doing. Sean was not alone the day of his death. Jackie Garcia, his high school sweetheart and daughter were there hiding underneath the blankets.

Why weren’t they harmed? The media isn’t telling the entire truth in this case. Sean was a target for death. In previous history, he had a few run INS with the law. It wasn’t enough for someone to kill him. The birth of his daughter straightened his life up. The media has stated death threats were being made his friends said he lived in fear.

At the time of his September conference he knew than his death would become sooner than anyone else realized. Sean knew more than what was released to friends and family.

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The mention of the baby’s cries has not been of any knowledge. If the baby had cried, the intruder may have reacted differently. A different crime scene may have been found. The media and the police investigation say this is a robbery gone wrong. It wasn’t a robbery. The intruder wanted to throw the investigation team his/her tracks.

A knife was placed on his bed a week prior to his death. This knife was sent to his home to warn him. The knife was a death warning. Was there a hit man hired to kill this remarkable football player? Was the killer an estranged fan?

The identity of the shooter is unknown. Everything surrounding his death is a mystery. Who killed Sean Taylor and why? These are the real questions in this horrific event. The intruder knew the layout of the Florida home. The killer killed him in his bedroom. A house of that size it wouldn’t be an easy task to find the bedroom of the home that quickly.

There are too many unanswered questions in this investigation. Sean Taylor knew he was going to die. It is unsure of when he knew he was going to die, but he knew it was coming. The puzzle pieces in this case are scattered about. The pieces to this case are not all there. Too many links and too many unanswered questions are floating around.

A young man of 24 lost his life. The truth is out there somewhere. Who is the real identity to his killer? Help put the puzzle pieces together and solve this murder before someone else looses their lives.

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