Detoxify with Watermelon

The watermelon diet may help weight loss; it may also help to detoxify the body. Detoxification cleanses the body of waste and toxins. Watermelon contains 90 percent of water, high fiber, no cholesterol, low fat and has lots of potassium, vitamins A, B-6 and C. It’s a powerful diuretic. It stimulates the kidneys to excrete fluids and toxins through the urine. According to the website, there is not an official watermelon diet; instead it’s a diet that includes a lot of watermelon. This diet should be taken with the advice and supervision of a health care practitioner

Watermelon Diet -Days One and Two Five Day

According to, this diet includes, daily breakfast of one slice of watermelon, 50 grams of toast, one cup of tea and a daily intake of 12 cups of water, tea or fresh fruit juice. Day one lunch: 100 grams of boiled beef, 100 grams of boiled rice with tomato sauce and a slice of watermelon. Supper: 50 grams of cottage cheese, one slice of toast and as much watermelon as you desire. Day two: Lunch, 50 grams of chicken or turkey breast, boiled and one slice of watermelon. Supper includes 100 grams of low-fat fish, grilled or boiled, one slice of toast and one slice of watermelon.

Days Three Through Five

Day three: Lunch, 30 grams of spaghetti with tomato sauce and grated cheese and as much watermelon as you desire. Supper: A vegetable salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, onions and lettuce, and a slice of watermelon. Day four: Lunch: A bowl of vegetable soup with one slice of toast, 50 grams of boiled chicken breast with one slice of toast and a slice of water melon. Supper: Two boiled potatoes with Parmesan and as much watermelon as you desire. On the fifth day, lunch includes: 50 grams of boiled beef with mushrooms and all the watermelon you desire and for supper have 50 grams of cottage cheese, two slices of bread and all the watermelon you desire. Keep in mind that the watermelon diet may not meet the required nutriments required by the body. Use this diet under the advice and supervision of a professional health care provider and/or a dietitian.

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Detoxifying Effects

The watermelon diet detoxifies the body by cleansing the gastro-intestinal system. It’s high-fiber, high-water content adds bulk which scours the digestive tract, flushes and eliminates waste and toxins through the bowels, according to It also rejuvenates and promotes the proper functions of the digestive system as well as other body functions.


Watermelon provides a variety of benefits. The American Heart Association recognizes watermelon as a food that promotes a healthy heart. It is easily digested and a rich source of the powerful antioxidant lycopene. Antioxidants fight against free radicals that cause damages to cell tissues and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and strokes.

Additional Benefits

According to Dr. Bhimu Patil, director of Texas A&M;’s Fruit and Vegetable Improvement Center in College Station, watermelon contains citrulline a precursor to arginine that helps to remove ammonia and other toxins from the body, helps obesity and type 2 diabetes. Arginine also relaxes blood vessels similar to Viagra and may help to treat erectile dysfunction.