Designing Flower Arrangements Builds Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem

My favorite hobby is designing silk flower arrangements and decorating wreaths. It’s a lot of work and it takes lots of money and many trips to different places to collect a variety of colors and types of flowers, greenery, sea shells, hearts, bunnies, angels, vases, baskets, pots, Styrofoam, and Spanish moss to cover the foam and to build a vase with a good foundation for the type of design I’m planning for the arrangement. My husband, Bob, is great at vase builder and he tells me how much he loves each arrangement and why. This keeps my ego at its best.

One of the first things I do is decide the colors of flowers, etc., and the size and the design for the arrangement. When I design flowers, I may do a dozen at a time as gifts for friends and family members. I love to design them and then admire the beauty of every one of them. Many times taking pictures of each one.

The second thing I do is go around to the various crafts and art stores to check out prices. Many times I’ll go to flower warehouses where I can get the best price and a variety of excellent flowers, pots, etc. When I do this, I can get the best bargain for all of my designs, pots, flowers and greenery products. Designing flower arrangements and decorating wreaths isn’t as easy as it may appear to be, and for some, it’s almost impossible for them.

I try to pick a variety of colorful flowers for the area I’m planning to display them in. I favor the larger flower designs with lots of greenery and plenty of flowers but I also like smaller arrangements, and I try to design them for smaller areas in a design that will call attention to it. Smaller arrangements are especially good in a bathroom area short on space; but now, many bathrooms are spacious and I select an appropriate theme and size to use.

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I love designing flower arrangements, and at one time wedding flowers for a bride, groom, family, and the church. This hobby is an excellent way to reduce stress and to feel a sort of a self-esteem that is indescribable because many people cannot design flowers or wreaths. It’s definitely an ego building hobby and it does build self-confidence and a feeling of having a special talent. Flower and wreath designing is a good form earning extra cash, it can be a good business to operate.

Designing a flower arrangement is not hard for me once the vases or basket has its main foundation. I can spend an hour and a half on an arrangement, or maybe less, it all depends on the size of the flowers I’m using. I’m a perfectionist when it comes to designing and I like a lot of mixed greenery and hanging greenery in every design. I also like the main flower to stand out, having vigor and brilliance of color.

The wreaths I design are of high fashion too. I love a wreath that is welcoming to the eye and one that will fit the area it will be displayed in. I always like to look at the area it’s going to be used before I design it. Wreaths can be simple or they can have a lot of depth and intensity. If you’re designing for a door, look at the door first and use a tad bit of that color to enhance the doors color so it will blend. Wreaths with too many flowers, etc., can be gaudy and ruin it entirely.