Depo-Provera: Weighing the Pros and Cons of the Birth Control Shot

Depo-Provera, otherwise known as the birth control shot, is given to you once every three months. This method of birth control is very common. Although there are many advantages that are associated with using Depo-Provera as a form of birth control, there are also very many disadvantages as well. Here, we will take a closer look at some of the many things that you should be sure to take into consideration before you choose to go on the birth control shot yourself.

Pro: Depo-Provera is known to be very effective at preventing pregnancy. According to the statistics, only about three women out of every one thousand will get pregnant each year with the Depo-Provera shot.. When it is done correctly, Depo-Provera can be a very effective birth control method. It is important to keep in mind that it takes two weeks for the birth control shot to work effectively, so alternate birth control methods, such as condoms, should be used when you receive your Depo-Provera injection every month.

Con: The birth control shot is required every three months. One of the reasons that this may be a slight disadvantage to you is because you need to remember to have this shot every three months. You will have to make an appointment and visit the doctor this frequently, which is not something that everyone enjoys. If you hate shots more than anything or if you fear them, getting a shot this often can also be a disadvantage.

Pro: You don’t need to remember to take your birth control pill every single day of the month. Not only do many people find this as a very big advantage due to its convenience, but it is also believed that this is the main reason that the birth control shot is known to be very effective. There is likely to be a higher risk of you forgetting to take your birth control pill during one of the days of the month than you forgetting to go for the birth control shot every three months.

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Con: Getting pregnant after using Depo-Provera may take awhile. It is known to take a longer to get pregnant after using the birth control shot than any other form of birth control. On average, it tends to take about nine months in order to get pregnant after you have ceased using Depo-Provera. This can be very disadvantageous to those who want to start planning a family immediately.

Pro: No need to go to the pharmacy to pick up another form of birth control, such as the pill or patch. While it is best to always use condoms to offer even more protection against pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, you will not need to go to the pharmacy to pick up birth control pills or birth control patches. Some people may feel embarrassed by doing so and many find it as an inconvenience, as you often have to stand in line waiting for a long time each and every month. Instead of having to go to the pharmacy every month, you will have to go to the doctor’s office every three months.

Con: Pregnancies that occur during Depo-Provera often may have complications. Although there are some people who do not believe this, it has been found that when women get pregnant while on the birth control shot, there is a much larger risk of the baby being born with a low birth weight or premature. The risk of there being a miscarriage or the baby dying within the first year also seems to be a lot higher.

Pro: The birth control shot offers you protection against cancer. Cancer of the uterine lining, that is. Statistics have shown that uterine cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths for women up to the age of 40, and the fifth leading cause of cancer-related deaths for women between the ages of 41 and 60. It is safe to say that anything which can be done to prevent uterine cancer is always a good thing.

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Con: You may experience side effects when you are on Depo-Provera. While this is known to be true about any method of birth control, many people who go on Depo-Provera seem to experience a lot of side effects. Many women experience irregular or unusual spotting during the first few months that they begin using Depo-Provera, or after long-term use. Although there is not much supporting research, many also believe that the birth control shot can be held accountable for weight gain or fluctuations. Many people have also commonly reported hair loss, headaches, abdominal pain and nausea. If you experience any of these side effects for longer than two weeks after you have had your first birth control shot, it is best to contact a doctor.

These are just some of the many pros and cons which are known to be associated with taking Depo-Provera, the birth control pill. Before making the decision to go on this birth control method, weighing the advantages and disadvantages is a very good idea! While many may find that the advantages of the birth control shot make it well worth it to use it as a birth control method, there are others who do not want to risk experiencing possible the disadvantages.