Defining the Different Kinds of Depression

Depression is not a state of mind. Depression is a disease. Many people are finally realizing this fact. But do you also realize that there are different kinds of depression?

The causes of any type of depression can be similar. Most depression are caused by an interference with the chemical messengers in our brains. These messengers controls such things as our sleep, mood, appetite and even our energy level. When there is a disturbance in how these messengers are sent our bodies do not function properly.

Other factors can also play a role in depression. These factors can be a death of a love one, trauma, serious illness, or severe stress such as a loss of a job. Hormonal changes such as a birth of a child or pregnancy can also ignite or help deepen one’s depression.

What are the different titles given to the different types of depression?

First there is what is called Major depression. This is a severe depression that a person has been fighting for at least two weeks. With this type of depression a person generally must have at least five of the following characteristics:

Feeling sad or an empty feeling inside

No longer having an interest in normal pleasure or normal pleasurable activities

Changes in appetite and possibly weight

Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much

Feeling restless or sluggish

Feeling fatigue or feeling like you have less energy than normal

Difficult making normal everyday decisions or concentrating

Feeling hopeless, worthlessness or even guilt

Thoughts of death or suicide

Bipolar disorder is another type of depression. This is a type of depression that ranges from moods of extreme highs, which is referred to as the mania state, and extreme lows (the depression state).

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The depression state would be characteristics of major depression. The characteristics of the mania (high) stages are:

Easily irritable or distractible

Feeling extremely happy, or euphoric

Increased energy and activity


Racing thoughts and speech

Not needing as much sleep as usual

Unrealistic beliefs in ones powers or abilities

Abuse of drugs or alcohol

Reckless behavior


In severe cases, hallucinations

Seasonal Affective Disorder

This is a type of depression that comes on in the winter months. People with this disorder seem to do better if they are living in warmer climates. People who suffer from seasonal affective disorder many times also suffer from major depression or bipolar disorder, at the same time.

How should the different types of depression be treated? It depends on the patient and the severity. No patient is alike. Some patients do well with just therapy, other patients may need to combine therapy along with drug therapy.

If you believe that you or someone you love may suffer from these forms or any other form of depression or any other type of mental issue, please contact a therapist or a doctor today. There is help. Life can get better. Plus, you don’t have to fight this alone.