Debunked Jenna Bush Beach Pics Are a Lesson for All Women

There were some Jenna Bush beach pictures where she was allegedly photographed at the beach changing into a bathing suit bottom. Although these photos have been shown not to be Jenna Bush, people once again began searching for them online this weekend. I’m not sure what caused the recent re-surgence in the searches of the debunked photos, but it made me start thinking about how not to undress or change clothes at the beach.

The resulting Jenna Bush beach photos are not really Jenna Bush, but a look-alike, even though people are still searching Yahoo! for them as the “Jenna Bush beach pictures.”

The photographs do provide important lessons for women headed to the beach: 1) how not to undress in public and 2) how not put on a bikini bottom at the beach. Changing into a bikini bottom at the beach is not the most appropriate way, especially when there could be cameras. With the prevalence of cell phone cameras and other small digital cameras, you never know who could be snapping photos of you. You don’t have to be Jenna Bush or a even a look-alike to get caught on camera. Women. don’t let this happen to you. Use these tips on better ways to put on a bikini.

How to Avoid Your Own Revealing Beach Pics

Here are some more appropriate ways to change into a bikini at the beach that do not involve the possibility of a wardrobe mishap.

1. Don’t Undress at the Beach

If you don’t have to change at the beach, don’t. Change at home, change at work, change before you get to the beach. Put your clothes on top of your bathing suit.

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2. Put on A Bikini Indoors

Change in the bath house or public bathroom. If neither exists, change in the bathroom at a nearby restaurant.

3. Switch from Clothes to Bikini in Your Car

if you can’t do number one or number two, and absolutely have to change at the beach, at least change in your car. Make sure the doors are closed. It’s not hard to discreetly change from underwear to a bikini bottom in a car.

4. Wear a Long Skirt

If you’re going to be changing in public this summer and are wearing a skirt, wear a long skirt, not a short skirt like in the alleged Jenna Bush beach pictures. At least with a long skirt you can maintain some modesty.

5. Use a Blanket

Another way to put on a bikini bottom is to do it underneath or inside a blanket or a big towel.

6. Dress Before You Undress

If for some reason you cannot change at home, change in a bathroom or change in your car, and you simply must change on the beach, here’s how. Dress before you undress.

Tip: Never remove underwear first. Put on your bikini bottom over your underwear then take off the underwear. There is much less of a chance that you will end up exposing yourself.