“Death of a Salesman”: Analysis

“Death of a Salesman,” is a play written by Arthur Miller. It tells of a tragic tale of the downfall of a great man. Taken down by his lack of self-awareness and self- obsessiveness, the main character, Willy Loman, finds himself in a standstill of his life pondering about how he ended this way and what the future holds for his family. Throughout the play, Miller uses two major techniques that give his play much significance which are themes and symbols.

Miller uses many themes throughout the play. Some of these are: The American Dream, abandonment, and betrayal. Pertaining to the theme of the American dream, the main character, Willy, interprets the dream his own way. In his own mind, the only way for a man to be successful in a business is to be very likeable and have a very attractive personality. This type of idea suggest that the main character is self-absorbed. Adding to his current mindset is his issues of his father and abandonment. With his father leaving him when he was still young and leaving his family with no money what so ever, he moves away from Alaska to have the American Dream. The other theme that gives the main character his attitude is the idea of betrayal. Willy has a certain expectation of his son, Biff to do well in America to have the American dream. When Willy is unable to sell the idea to his son to motivate him, he loses it completely.

The other technique that Miller uses is symbolism. Miller cleverly plants the object of seeds into the play. The seeds, in the play, signifies Willy’s ability as a man, as a business man, and a bread winner. His attempt to grow vegetables signifies his shame to provide food for the family. Another symbol is the diamonds. To Willy, the diamonds represent wealth and well being. Unable to obtain his own type of diamond and wealth for his family, he is edged on to finally obtain it by killing himself and getting insurance money for his family.

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The play, Death of a Salesman,” written by Arthur Miller, is a sad story about a man who deals with internal issues and outside problems. He deals with the ideas of his own American Dream, and the betrayal of his son. Also, being unable to provide for his family, Willy makes the ultimate sacrifice to help his family and finally obtains his own diamond.