Critiquing Your Peer’s Essay

According to the American Heritage Dictionary, the definition of critique as a verb is “to review or discuss critically.” (2000). Everything can be critiqued. We critique things without realizing it every day, such as the way a person is dressed, a movie we just watched, another person’s driving, etc. In this article, the definition of critique will be applied to a classmate’s writing. The purpose of this is to inform others of our strengths as well as our weaknesses, so we can improve our writing.

There are certain aspects of a paper to study in order to do a successful critique. There are four main things to look at when critiquing one’s work. (Allen, 2008). First, make sure you can clearly understand what message the author is conveying.
Second, make sure there are no grammatical errors. Third, note if the essay is well organized. Whether transitional words are used such as first, second and third, or if it is less conspicuous, a paper should follow some sort of pattern. Last, make sure the paper has an APA-correct reference list at the end of their paper-which is very important while attending most colleges!

The way in which we critique must be done carefully. We are not criticizing (which is bringing up all of the negative aspects of one’s work), we are commenting on the good points as well as the areas our peers need to work on. It is helpful to write down comments as you read the work. When you write your critique, list the positive things first. Be tactful when you suggest the things your peer needs to improve on. Above all, treat others the way you would want to be treated.

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Electronic reference. Retrieved on July 16, 2008 from

Allen, J. (2008, July 14).Chat posting. Retrieved July 18, 2008, from CTUO, Virtual Campus, ENG115-0803A-16: English Composition. Phase 2 Grammar/Peer Review. Chat archive: