Creative and Fun White Elephant Gifts

Many office parties require you to bring a “White Elephant Christmas Gift”. What exactly is a “White Elephant Christmas Gift”? It is anything that you have lying around the house, that you are no longer using or no longer need. Often, the more unique and funny the gift the better.

Be Creative

I have received some unique and unusual white elephant gifts in my time. One was a bathroom theme complete with a hand towel, a bar of soap and a 4 pack of bathroom tissue. Another time my friend received a receipt from a charity for a donation given in her name. For the self-proclaimed “chocoholic” a platter of home made treats can be given. Or perhaps a collection of chocolate candy recipes.

Sleuth It Out

If one does their sleuth work properly one can always find out what the recipients favorite something is. Expand upon the favorite and you have a creative and unique gift. Often the simplest gift is the most appreciated.

Pass It On

Does your friend admire something specific in your house? If you are tired of it that can be a great gift for the recipient. Or perhaps you know right where a duplicate is….in your own basement. Pass along a great book if you have drawn the name of a known reader.

Make It Edible

If the White Elephant Gift Exchange is done game fashion where you draw numbers and rotate through the gifts the gifts can be even more outrageous. I once attended such a game where one recipient received a loaf of bread and another received a jar of peanut butter. Needless to say, those two got together to make sandwiches.

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Old Children’s Toys

Old children’s toys often make great White Elephant gifts. If your house is like mine and full of toys often you can “clean out” some of them and wrap those for gifts.

Old CD’s

How about a stack of those CD’s that you get in the mail all of the time? Tied with a pretty ribbon and a card attached with a list of ideas on what to do with them. Ideas can include turning them into coasters, wind chimes or using them to scare birds out of a garden.

Old Records

Those old records in your basement….could make a unique gift for the music aficionado. How about a rock collection. You could even go so far as to paint them and make a “rock family” complete with googly eyes and a felt nose. A can of spinach, or some other canned food that is not often liked is a funny creative gift also.

Look around your home. Most of us have something that we wonder why we ever hung onto it. Often that is a perfect and creative white elephant gift. Whatever your gift. Remember to keep it light and funny. Enjoy the season and have fun with it.
