Crafty Ways to Enhance a Mother’s Day Scrapbook for New Moms

Are you looking to make a scrapbook to celebrate the first Mother’s Day for a new mom? Here are some suggestions on things to include in the scrapbook for that new mom on Mother’s Day.

All new moms want a way to remember their first Mother’s Day. By creating a scrapbook or several scrapbook pages, you will be able to help the new mother in your life celebrate her first Mother’s Day. Here are several ideas for pages you can create for a scrapbook for a new mom for her first Mother’s Day.

Timeline Of Her Pregnancy– Do several pages of photos of the new mother as she progressed throughout her pregnancy. This will allow her to look back on her pregnancy fondly and remember what it was like to carry her new child along the path to their birth. It will also give her something to show her child as the child grows and wonders more about “where did I come from”.

Photos From The Birth– I am not saying to take this literally. Instead add photos to the scrapbook that show the new mom and her new born child in the child’s first few days of life. This will show how happy the mom was to have their newborn child and allow the child to see all the people that loved him or her enough to come and visit shortly after their birth.

Anagram of the Child’s name- Take the child’s name and write it down the side of the page in a vertical orientation. After doing that take each letter of the child’s name and create a phrase that will describe either the new born child or something about the newborn child’s mom. This will allow the child and mom to look back on the scrapbook and remember how many things they share together in how they celebrated the birth of the child.

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Photographs of The Immediate Family- Add photographs of the immediate family to the scrap book for the newborn child and the mother. This will allow the mother and child to share the scrapbook in the future and for the mom to introduce the child to everybody that cared enough for the child to be there. Also this will be an opportunity for the child to start learning who their family members are and who the close friends of the family are. This will aid the child in feeling a degree of safety with these individuals.

Remember a scrapbook is not just for the mother of the new child on Mother’s Day. It is a book that both the mother and child can share together. It is a great tool that the new mother and her child can use as learning tools to learn about the birth of the child and who is included in their family. This is the first Mother’s Day gift that will allow the new mom and her child to bond .