Crack Cocaine Addiction

Living close to several gas stations, a huge shopping center and a bus station, I see every day, addicts who position themselves in strategic places away from the eyes of law enforcement but visible to all from whom they can pan handle and raise money to fuel their habit. I’ve had all kinds of stories from them, carefully concocted in an attempt to get a couple of bucks. As they narrate their make-believe stories, I look at their eyes and read their body language and it is crystal clear that crack has taken a huge toll on them. I became curious, did some research and was surprised at what I found out.

The discovery of crack cocaine dramatically revolutionized the drug industry by racking in astronomical profits to drug lords while wrecking historical havoc to addicts, their families and the entire society. I see this almost every day driving through certain neighborhoods close to town and it’s true that impoverished urban areas have remained targets since the inception of this drug.

Going through a recent survey conducted by the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, I was shocked to find out that 4.8 Million Americans aged 12 and older, had abused cocaine in any form. Also, the World Health Organization asserts that the prevalence rates for lifetime use of cocaine are typically 1-3% in developed countries, with higher rates in the United States and in the producer countries. A practical path to recovery exists to those who are daring enough and willing to follow it.

I strolled to the nearby shopping center and bus station several times in my free time to meet and inquire more from these addicts or “crack-heads” as they are popularly known. All of them were introduced to crack by a friend and got hooked almost immediately due to its highly addictive nature.

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The instant high, euphoria, sudden rush of energy, increased level of confidence and alertness is very thrilling to them and creates a very intense desire to get another high and relive the experience. During a high, they experience increased body temperatures, heart-rate, irritability, paranoia, restlessness and anxiety that leads to another craving. I found out that it is this craving that leads to the perpetual use and abuse of crack until all the ability to smoke or snort is gone or until one is rescued from this monster.

I concluded that crack is a very selfish drug that robs one of all of his or her money, personal possessions, good health, family members, amongst other things that are essential for the preservation of human dignity. Many are unaware of the dangers that crack poses on vital body organs e.g. the brain, heart, lungs, kidneys amongst others. It is also linked to stroke and even sudden death.

Essential to one’s recovery is educating oneself thoroughly on the true facts and separating them from myths. I found out several drug rehabilitation centers online and contacts of professionals on standby willing and ready to help. Most of their help is free and is available at beck and call. Quitting cold turkey requires herculean efforts yet it isn’t impossible. Kicking crack out of one’s life is a true test of willpower and when weakness tempts, always remember that strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.
