Crab Cakes Made of Real Crab?

I’ve tried a plethora of crab cake recipes from different eateries and restaurants. From all over Hawaii, to California, and even the East Coast. Some were “alright.” But, I’d probably never order them again. Some were definitely on my “do not order again” list. A handful of them were actually pretty good. Yet, overpriced for the taste. These recipes seem to have a couple big flaws to me. First of all, not much of the patty is real crab meat. Seems it’s usually 70% breading and fillers. Or, 60% breading and fillers and 30-40% IMITATION crab. Anyhow, no matter what the ingredients, they’ve never seemed to taste much like crab to me.

I do love crab. But, I’d almost given up hope finding crab cakes to really satisfy my taste. Heck, if I want to taste crab, I’ll just eat crab. Must I travel far and beyond to find “crab cakes” that truly are “crab” cakes?

I finally found the BEST crab cakes in Timbuktu. Yes, Timbuktu. It’s a seemingly “out-of-place” restaurant in Baltimore, Maryland. If I remember correctly, it’s near or around Coca-Cola (Avenue or Drive). It’s right off the freeway. It does not look very enticing from the outside. You look at it ass you pass. If you’re like myself, and the group I was with, you’d kinda chuckle about it. “Timbuktu… hahahaha….”

We stayed at an inn close by. Every trip to and from the inn we passed the place. We finally decided that this place had such an interesting name. Therefore, we need to eat there at some point. It’s only logical, right? Based on what this place looked like from the outside, we weren’t expecting much. It looked like a roadhouse or warehouse out in the middle of nowhere. Of course with a sign outside that read “Timbuktu,” and a camel as it’s logo, I guess. Interestingly, the place had a dress code- no tank tops or t-shirts, and closed footwear is all I remember. We look at the menu while we wait. Pretty pricey choices. We thought, “What? for this dump? Looks like a casual joint to me” We go to be seated, and whoa! After you pass the waiting area, it’s not so casual.

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Anyway, each of the 6 of us order different entrees. Again, we’re expecting the food will be overpriced. Man, everything was extraordinary! The prices definitely were worth the taste! And those crab cakes, I tell you. You cut a piece and you see the REAL crab meat. Not much of anything else in the patty. I swear it must’ve been 90% real crab meat. It was the best crab cake any of us have ever had. Better than crab alone, as well. To this day we reminisce to that moment 2 years ago about how great the food was. Timbuktu’s crab cakes have become our standard for any other one we taste. Since then, we still have not found anything that’s even half as good.

I highly recommend that if you’re within driving distance (even 2 hours away) visit Timbuktu in Baltimore. Find it on MSN yellow pages. Check out the links I’ve provided. Make reservations if possible. The place does get busy. Don’t ever visit Maryland without making this stop. I promise, you’ll thank yourself.

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Happy eating!
