Corn Starch: Some Uses May Surprise You!

Cornstarch is found in an amazing SuperSlurper product that adds even wider uses for cornstarch then ever before!

Most households have an inconspicuous box of cornstarch on the pantry shelf. It is a commonly used ingredient to thicken sauces and gravy. But did you know the primary use for cornstarch after it was invented in 1840 was for starching laundry and industrial uses only for adhesives or coatings?

It wasn’t until around 1850 that uses for cornstarch began to find their way into household use. This surprisingly simple ingredient can be used in endless ways.

When scientists at the USDA Agricultural Research service combined simple cornstarch with a synthetic chemical, they created a product so thirsty, it could absorb hundreds of times its own weight in water. Appropriate enough, someone dubbed it with the name, SuperSlurper, and the name stuck. SuperSluper was patented in 1976 and quickly found widespread use in the market place. It seems the amazing SuperSlurper is so absorbent it can slurp up to 2,000 times its weight in water! Today the SuperSlurper compound or others like it, can be found in everything from batteries, fuel filters, baby powders, wound dressings and even disposable diapers and sanitary pads.

While you may not be equipped to invent the next SuperSlurper, you too can use plain everyday cornstarch in a few out of the ordinary ways. A few ideas I’ve used in the past are shared here to get your creative juices flowing.

Every wished for a new creative outlet for the bored child who may be sick enough to stay home from school but well enough to drive you crazy?

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Some crafty uses for cornstarch include:

Clown Make-Up – An all natural, easy to make ‘greasepaint’ can be made mixing 2 parts cornstarch to 1 part white vegetable shortening. Apply to face for a white ‘clown face’ paint, colors can be made by mixing small amounts of the white base paint with a few drops of food coloring. Red for a nose, blue, green or yellow for other facial highlights.

Child Safe Paste – a good child safe paste can be mixed in moments by blending together 3 teaspoons of cornstarch with 4 spoons of cold water. If your little one licks their fingers while gluing together their art project there is no case for alarm, its perfectly edible.

Other uses for safe alternatives around children and pets are:

An Alternative to talcum based baby powders. – Talc can easily be inhaled by a tiny baby and lead to serious respiratory problems. Use a dusting of cornstarch instead!

Ant-Itch paste – Mix a paste of cornstarch and water and apply to poison ivy or insect bites to relive itching. Allow to dry on skin and rinse with cool water after itching stops. Re-apply as often as needed.

Dry Shampoo – unable to shampoo your hair for any reason? Simply rub dry cornstarch into your hair and scalp let set a few minutes the brush out. The cornstarch will absorb dirt and oils, even that stale cigarette odor if you find yourself surrounded by smokers!

( This also makes a great dry shampoo for pets, simply rub into their fur and brush!)

How many other ways can cornstarch be used? The list is probably endless. Maybe we should all go out and grab an extra box or two!

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USDA Agricultural Research Service; News & Events.
Cornstarch uses. 23, 2006.

Cornstarch @ Everything2.Com>.
July 1,2007>. May
