Cool Stuff You Can Do with Applesauce

MAKE APPLESAUCE PUDDING — Applesauce pudding is easy to make and it tastes awesome! Your kids are going to love it. Just buy a box of vanilla flavored instant pudding. You can buy sugar free if you are watching your calories. When you make the pudding use 1/2 milk and 1/2 applesauce. Most pudding mixes call for 2 cups of milk so you will pour 1 cup of milk in the bowl then add 1 cup of applesauce and stir. Then add the pudding mix and stir until it starts to thicken. Then just put it in the refrigerator and in a few minutes you will have delicious applesauce pudding!

SPREAD APPLESAUCE BETWEEN CAKE LAYERS — If you want a really moist cake spread applesauce between the layers! Not only will it make the cake moist, but it also cuts calories by not using frosting. You can still frost the top of the cake with frosting or you can save more calories by frosting the cake with more applesauce! Then just sprinkle a bit of confectioner’s sugar on top and serve!

USE APPLESAUCE IN SMOOTHIES — An easy way to use up applesauce is to put it in a smoothie. Just pour some milk in a blender and add some ice cubes. Then add some applesauce and blend! You can also toss in a few frozen strawberries or blueberries for more flavor. And here’s a secret ingredient… pour in a bit of fruit flavored soda too! Watching calories? Any diet soda will do!

MAKE APPLESAUCE PIZZA — What? Applesauce pizza? Yes! Use your favorite pizza crust and use applesauce as the pizza sauce. Then top it with drained fruit cocktail or any other drained canned fruit. Then sprinkle on a bit of mozzarella cheese and bake as you would any pizza. It’s a pizza dessert! The kids will love it. Give it a try!

See also  How to Make Moist Cake with Apple Sauce

MAKE A PEANUT BUTTER AND APPLESAUCE SANDWICH — Skip the jelly and go with applesauce! It goes great with peanut butter. You can also sprinkle on a bit of cinnamon for flavor. It’s delicious!

FREEZE YOUR APPLESAUCE — If you can’t use up your applesauce in time simply freeze it! You can freeze it in your ice cube trays then when the cubes are frozen just pop them out and put them in a freezer bag. Use the applesauce ice cubes in smoothies or just defrost them to use in any of the recipes above. You can also stick a short piece of straw (just cut up some straws) in the cubes while they are freezing and you’ll have applesauce popsicles for the kids!

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