Conquering Sudden Vision Problems

Vision Problems Benefit From the Attention of Low Vision Specialists

Correcting vision problems is the domain of low vision specialists. Comprised primarily of optometrists and ophthalmologists, these specialists deal with maximizing the remaining vision you do have, in order for you to enjoy the activities of daily life. They provide solutions to eye vision problems, including products such as magnifiers and bioptic glasses, in order to improve your visual range.

What Types of Vision Problems Can Be Helped with the Aid of Low Vision Specialists?

Low vision can be caused by several different means. Some individuals are genetically predisposed to developing low vision, such as some that have macular degeneration. Diabetics sometimes have eye vision problems related to background retinopathy in the eyes. People with albinism often have sight problems related to that medical condition. Some individuals have sudden Vision problems due to accidents.

Happily, many vision problems have solutions. Consulting with a vision specialist is key to correcting vision problems.

What Are Some of The Solutions For Those With Lessened Visual Acuity?

The vision solutions that could work best for you depend upon what types of vision loss you have. If, for example, you have macular degeneration, you will likely have a loss of central vision, because the macula, seated in the rear portion of the retina, controls that visual range. But central vision consists of only thirty percent of the total visual field, so the good news is that your peripheral vision will likely remain unharmed and entirely usable. The key with central vision loss is to magnify the visual field for close vision, and use tiny microscopes attached to the glasses for improving Low vision.

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Central vision is used for reading, watching television, or working on craft projects. It is also used for working at the computer, writing, taking in a play or movie as well as driving. Magnification can make it much easier to perform these activities, and which type of magnifier you choose will depend on the specific task you wish to perform. For instance, if you are doing hand crafts such as sewing or knitting, then a hand-held magnifier would not be suitable. Instead, there are magnified glass lenses that can be inserted into eye glass frames that will allow you to enjoy these activities. Long-distance vision, used for watching movies and plays, as well as for driving, requires a different type of magnification. Typically specialists will have you consider using telescopic glasses. These glasses look like regular eyeglasses, except that tiny telescopes are attached to the top of the lenses. The lenses consist of your prescription appropriate for your peripheral vision. You change your field of vision by moving your head slightly up or down, much as you would when wearing a pair of bifocals.

Vision problems need not lead to the end of your favorite activities. See a vision specialist today for advice.