Comparison of Yankee Candles to Gold Canyon Candles

While Yankee Candles are known for their quality and their wide range of scents, there is a less expensive alternative that beats Yankee Candles Hands Down. Learn why Gold Canyon candles might give you more for your money.

Yankee Candles have been around quite some time, and are considered by many to be the absolute best jar candles for your money. They include a wide variety of scents, last a very long time, and are very safe when compared to regular candles (candles not ensconced in glass jars). As a result, they have enjoyed a wide following. In recent years, a wide variety of stores have adopted the Yankee line of candles. However, there are other wonderful alternatives out there for less money.

One of the best alternatives out there today is the line of Gold Canyon candles that are very similar to Yankee Candles. Gold Canyon Candles can be found sold as fundraisers, as well as by independent dealers on-line. If you are interested in purchasing Gold Canyon Candles, you can locate an independent dealer on-line by searching via Google or Yahoo! Gold Canyon Candles come in similar scents, sizes, and shapes as Yankee Candles. That is where the similarities end.

You may ask why you should go out of your way to purchase Gold Canyon Candles when you can pick up a Yankee Candle anywhere. There are some very good reasons why you should at least try Gold Canyon candles. First off, they burn much more evenly due to the fact that they are double-wicked, unlike Yankee Candles. In addition, they tend to last longer and burn cleaner than traditional Yankee Candles. The best part, however, is the fact that they cost a few dollars less than Yankee Candles (at least). You are getting more quality for your money, and you don’t have to sacrifice selection.

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The quality of the candles is certainly on par with those of Yankee Candles. In fact, you could easily make a case that the Gold Canyon Candles are actually of superior quality when compared to Yankee Candles. Even if you were paying the same price for both candles, the higher quality of Gold Canyon Candles would make it a deal. However, due to the fact that Gold Canyon Candles are actually less money than Yankee Candles, there really isn’t much of a choice.

As stated earlier, Gold Canyon has just as much variety in their line of candles as does Yankee Candles. In fact, Gold Canyon offers their own takes on of many Yankee Candle scents. For example, their clean sheets scent is very similar to the Yankee Candle scent clean cotton. As both companies continue to offer new scents, expect imitation on both sides.

Either way, candles offer a great way to dress up your home and make it smell good enough to eat. The jar candles made popular by Yankee Candle and improved by Gold Canyon are much safer than many of the candles that aren’t ensconced in glass jars. Of course, you still have to use them safely. Never leave a candle unattended or within the reach of pets or children.
