Comparing 3 SPHR and PHR Certification Exam Study Materials


When an individual holds a certification or license, that person commands more respect from his or her peers in the workplace. The letters after someone’s name encompass the accumulated study, training, and dedication necessary to become a specialist in a field of expertise. This is true for all professions, including human resources. When a human resources specialist gains a PHR (Professional in Human Resources) or SPHR (Senior Professional in Human Resources), they will most likely see a difference in how they are treated at work and in other professional situations.

I would like to compare three of the most widely used computer-based PHR and SPHR exam study resources. The three study resources are the Certgear PHR system, SHRM Learning System, and the Human Resources Certification Program. I am going to go through their Websites as if I were a customer to see how much it would cost a single user to purchase these test preparation products.


First, we have the Certgear PHR exam preparation software. From what I understand, Certgear offers a “PHR Certification Exam Simulator” that costs approximately $50. Their product includes more than 250 practice questions for the PHR exam, and they also offer a 150% Test-Pass Guarantee. The Test-Pass Guarantee is not as useful as it seems, because if a test-taker cannot pass two exams after using Certgear products, then the cost is refunded and the customer gets a 50% discount on another Certgear item. Why would a person continue to buy the same company’s products if they’re not passing the exams?


Second, we have the SHRM Learning System. The SHRM (Society of Human Resources Management) Learning System is one thing that I’ve heard recommended many, many times over the course of my PHR studies. I think that more than half of the people that I have contacted for study tips ended up recommending the SHRM Learning System. However, as you probably know if you’ve read my other articles on studying for the PHR exam, you know that I believe the expense of $795 for the individual/self-study course for a non-SHRM member is a bit outrageous in terms of price. However, this is an excellent study course, nonetheless. The $795 price tag is cheaper when ordering in a group, and SHRM members get a discount, too. The SHRM Learning System includes a CD with several hundred test questions and a set of books that correspond with each section of the PHR exam.

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Finally, we have the offering from the Human Resources Certification Preparation company. The Human Resources Certification Program cost for the entire package, including six study books (one per section of the PHR exam), the online self-study guide, and the flash cards, is $345. The books total more than 700 pages, and the online review includes 300 questions. They promote the flashcards, because the other certification tools do not offer them. The HRCP program includes 500+ flashcards and a bonus 100-question comprehensive exam.


What dollar limit can someone put on a new career certification? I would find it difficult to limit myself if I were going to purchase one. If passing the test, whether it be the PHR or SPHR exam, means that the human resources professional will receive a higher pay, then it should not matter how much the certification exam costs, because the higher pay will offset the cost. However, if the exam is for the personal satisfaction of being a certified individual, then the price could make a big difference in how a person chooses to proceed. Whatever the choice, being certified is an excellent way to look more professional in the workplace.

For more information on the human resources certification process, please follow this link.
