Common Tooth Decay Symptoms

The danger of tooth decay is that most people do not realize they have a problem until their dentist finds cavities or infections in the teeth. Tooth decay symptoms can be extremely subtle, which is why it is important to maintain regular appointments with your dentist.


The most common tooth decay symptoms are pain and inflammation, both of which usually appear once the tooth has become infected or when a cavity has formed. The pain might be throbbing and dull or sharp and acute, but either type is cause for concern.

In many cases, tooth decay symptoms are intermittent, which means that they might present for a couple of days before disappearing for a week or more. This doesn’t mean that the problem is any less severe, and you should make an appointment with your dentist as soon as tooth pain presents.

Mouth Odor

Infection in the tooth can cause some tooth decay symptoms, one of which is mouth odor. This is also associated with gum disease, and is the result of bacteria fermenting in the mouth. If you start to notice that you suffer from bad breath, it might be time to visit the dentist.

Other tooth decay symptoms associated with mouth odor include dry mouth and a foul taste on the tongue. This can be not only uncomfortable but also socially awkward, which is one of the reasons why patients run to the dentist.

Aesthetic Changes

Tooth decay symptoms can be aesthetic as well as health-related. When black or brown spots start forming on the surfaces of teeth, this might be an indication of plaque build-up, infection or cavities. Most often, the spots will start at the base of the tooth and work their way to the top.

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The problem with these types of tooth decay symptoms is that they might not be immediately noticeable. If dark spots form on the back teeth, you might not even realize it until you visit the dentist. You can use a dental mirror (your dentist can give you one) to inspect those teeth on a regular basis.

Situational Pain

In many cases, tooth decay symptoms will be worse when you engage in certain activities, especially as they relate to pain. When you have an infection or cavity, certain types of food might cause more intense pain than you feel normally. These include:

* Foods or beverages high in sugar;

* Cold drinks and food;

* Hot beverages and food;

* Foods high in citrus or acid;

* Exposure to cold air; and

* Exposure to toothpaste.

These are all tooth decay symptoms and you should have them checked out immediately by your dentist.

Severe Pain

In many cases, tooth decay symptoms that include severe pain might indicate an abscess in the tooth. Abscesses, according to WebMD , most commonly form in the pulp, or the inside of the tooth. This is a severe infection that requires both antibiotics as well as treatment for the abscess itself.

If you are experiencing tooth decay symptoms, the best course of action is to visit your dentist. He or she can evaluate your situation and recommend the most effective course of treatment.


WebMD, Abscessed Tooth – Topic Overview