Common Reasons for Infant Vomiting

Babies will most likely at some point vomit, and as a new parent the thought of your baby vomiting can probably make you sick to your stomach. No one wants to see their child getting sick. The reasons babies vomit can range from something as simple as overeating to more serious issues that require a doctor’s opinion.

Babies can vomit or spit up and there is a difference between the two, spit up tends to be a small amount of liquid that comes out of the mouth and runs down the chin. Baby typically does not react to spit up but vomit although may not be serious, still is more serious than spit up and you will want to try to find the cause of the vomiting.

Here you will find a guide to the common reasons that infants vomit, remember that each baby is individual and the cause of your baby vomiting may not be in this guide but it does not mean that it is out of the ordinary or uncommon.

Baby Valve is Not Developed Fully

The baby’s valve that is between the esophagus and stomach is what helps to hold the liquid or solid in the stomach so that it does not come back up. However, a baby’s valve is not fully developed so it is much easier for the liquid or food to come up and out, which can cause baby vomiting.

Baby Overeating

When a baby is still very young, he or she is still getting used to their system and it is not uncommon for an infant to overeat and have indigestion problems which would cause infant vomiting.

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Baby Receives Breast Milk or Formula Too Quickly

If a Mom’s breasts are over full or if baby is especially aggressive during nursing, this can cause baby to get the breast milk too quickly and cause baby to vomit. When giving the baby formula, a hole in the nipple of the bottle that is too large can cause a stream of formula to come out instead of the steady drops that are ideal.

Baby Infections

Babies unfortunately can catch germs and get ill, they can have symptoms such as a cough and/or congestion, ear infections often happen in babies and children too. Any type of common illnesses such as colds, babies can catch. When a baby is infected with these types of illness it is not uncommon for the baby to vomit while trying to fight these illnesses.

Baby Bacterial or Viral Infections

Babies can get stomach flues just like adults do and as adults we know how sick this type of flu can make us feel. Little babies have a hard time with stomach flu and can get extremely sick from it, a baby vomiting from stomach flu is not very unusual. It is critical with any type of illness to make sure the baby is getting hydrated enough, dehydration is very serious in babies. With any type of infections, it is most likely the safest route to contact the baby’s physician to obtain medical advice.
