Comcast Internet Review

I would love to say this is a positive review. But unfortunately, our relationship with Comcast is as frustrating as it is wearisome. There are times with everything is going fine. Of course, we don’t get that for more than a month at a time. Our internet service has a mind of its own. And our Comcast Customer Service offers less than helpful service.

Reason’s for Discontent of Comcast Service

As I work from home, I am on the computer a lot. So when my internet service up’s and quits, that is a big problem. Of course, I know the basic things that need to be done, so I usually can just do those things and everything is back to normal. Remember, I did say usually.

Let me backtrack. Not to long ago, Comcast took over Time Warner’s right to be the only internet service in our county. When that happened, everything went downhill. Time Warner, we loved, and never had a problem with. With Comcast, they tried to charge us for Four Months of service; yes I did say Four Months of past service. Those four months, I might add, had been paid in full. We had to not only submit the records to the local branch, but to the main branch, before anyone would take notice that they were in the wrong. This went on for over two months.

Finally, we had service, and life was back to normal. Wrong. At least once a month, we started loosing internet service. It wasn’t long before we knew as much as the customer service. Of course, you couldn’t tell them that. They want you to follow their scripted rules, without that, they are lost. Once and only once you have followed all their points of reconnected a lost service, will they finally get to the problem. The problem you told them from the beginning. You have no internet, and no, it has nothing to do with the router that isn’t even connected.

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Now we are back to my latest reason for discontent. Right in the middle of working, I loose my internet. The first Customer Service guy tried to tell me that all I needed to do was unplug the cords. I kindly told him that was not going to fix the problem as I had already done that. Of course, I lost my connecting with him at that point and so I called again.

This time I got a woman. Unfortunately, she had me unplug every cord connected to my computer and laptop. For some reason, she felt that would fix it. She then told me I needed to replace cords and that was the problem. I kindly told her that that was not the problem. Unfortunately, she had nothing else to offer.

I called back again. This time, the lady had my take out my battery of the modem. I wondered with the first two people hadn’t asked me to do this. For some odd reason, they skipped that part of their scripted text.


If you are going to have to call into Comcast, just go ahead and ask for a Supervisor. Save yourself hours of talking to Customer Service, who will not deviate from their scripted text. Above that, will not dare admit that yes, the customer knows what they are talking about. My advice: find any internet service other than Comcast. If you have no other option like us, be prepared for many internet outages, and very long conversations with Customer Service.