Clever Church Signs – In the Dark? Read These Messages, and Follow the Son!

Whether you’re religious or not, you’ve probably noticed the attention-grabbing signs in front of churches. Some church signs are inspirational, some are funny, and some are really very clever and make people think. The following inspirational, clever, funny sayings and statements have been posted on church signs all across the country. Some I’ve noticed while passing by churches, and others I’ve found online. A few of these signs almost inspired me to visit these churches – almost.

Don’t Hate Me, Pray for Me

I noticed this statement on a church sign in Albion Indiana, and it made me think of a construction worker and former friend who had recently taken advantage of my kindness. This clever church sign made me think for a few moments, but I must admit I still hold a great deal of contempt toward this particular individual, and a dozen signs with inspirational sayings wouldn’t change my mind. I’m sure a sign such as this won’t prompt a thief or another lowlife individual to stop in on Sunday morning – unless they can somehow get their hands on the collection plate or talk the preacher out of money with a sad story.

This is a Ch__ch. What is Missing? UR!

While this is a clever saying, it doesn’t exactly make me want to stop in for a visit. I’ve seen this particular saying on more than one occasion, and it seems to be a favorite of those in charge of changing the message on church signs. This one isn’t it if you’re looking for something original. Keep on searching!

With the Way Some People Live, They Ought to Obtain Eternal Fire Insurance

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Although I am a Christian, I don’t currently attend church. This particular saying is clever, but the message is meant to scare people into attending. Is this really a church I’d want to attend? I don’t think so! I don’t know about you, but church signs such as this will prompt me to keep on looking.

Trouble Sleeping? We Have Sermons. Come Hear One!

This clever saying is rather funny, but I must admit I’ve never seen this posted in front of any house of worship. It would take a pastor or priest with a real sense of humor to allow this funny sign to be posted on the front lawn. I might actually consider this one!

Fight Truth Decay – Study the Bible Daily

This is another common saying found on church signs, and it’s really good advice, but I don’t consider this saying all that clever. I’ve heard of tooth decay, but truth decay? Although it isn’t meant to be a joke, it’s a real groaner if you ask me!

Sign is Broken. Come Inside for Message!

Okay, this is clever, and it’s somewhat funny, but it’s also a very common message found on church signs all over the country. Even still, this sign will draw some attention, and new visitors might just come in to hear the message.

Don’t Wait for the Hearse to Take You to Church

This message seems to be another scare tactic, and it might make some people stop and think, but I personally feel that humor is a better way to get people through the door. Humor is a friendly and welcoming tactic. Scaring people with messages of fire and brimstone isn’t the best way to welcome them in or gain their undivided attention.

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Have Any Clever Church Sign Messages You’d Like to Share?

In all seriousness, I think the use of signs can be a great way to provide thought-provoking messages for those who otherwise might never see them elsewhere, and they can be a way to bring new people through the doors of all types of churches. Church signs, messages, and sayings can be entertaining and very clever, and if you know of any funny, inspirational, or clever church signs, leave a brief comment below, or submit your own article to Associated Content, The People’s Media Company.