Cinnamon, Diabetes and Symptoms of Heart Attack

A little over a month ago I was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance with what I thought was a heart attack. It was the scariest moment of my life and it was all due to taking cinnamon capsules for my pre-diabetic condition. I’m writing this article in the hopes that I can save someone else the pain, anxiety and expense that I went through.

At my last doctor visit my blood was tested for diabetes and my fasting blood glucose number was 110. My doctor explained that number was a little high and it put me in the pre-diabetic category. He told me to watch my carbohydrates, lose weight and he’d order another test in 3 months. Not knowing anything about blood glucose testing or pre-diabetes, I got on-line and started researching it. I came across several medical articles that suggested a 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon daily could lower a person’s fasting blood glucose number by up to 10% and that cinnamon could also lower LDL cholesterol, and total cholesterol levels. To me it sounded like a win/win situation. The thought of eating cinnamon every day sprinkled on food didn’t appeal to me, so I headed out to the health food store and got it in 500 mg capsules. The directions said take 2 per day with meals. I started my regimen the following morning with the idea that a 10% reduction in my fasting blood glucose level would put me in the normal range.

I suffer from acid reflux and am on prescription Zantac, 150 mg. twice a day. I noticed that my GERD wasn’t being controlled as well as it should be and wondered what was making it act up. I cut back on coffee, diet pop and tomatoes, thinking they were to blame. I started taking Mylanta at night before bed. This went on for around 2 weeks. I did my best to control it, but it seemed nothing was helping.

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It got so bad one night that I laid awake, tossing and turning and finally got up at 6:10 to get ready for work. While at work, I started to get stabbing chest pains that started on my left side and shot across to my right side. I had burning pain in my upper back near my shoulder. I felt lightheaded and dizzy. Over the next few hours the pain got worse, so I left work and came home. I got on-line and typed in “symptoms of heart attack in women”. Symptoms can include: Neck, shoulder, upper back or abdominal discomfort, shortness of breath, chest discomfort, indigestion, anxiety, sweating, lightheadedness or dizziness, unusual or unexplained fatigue.

I was having 5 of the 8 symptoms, so I yelled at my husband to call 911. I was in a panic, which didn’t help, and sure I was going to die. After 4 hours in the ER and a multitude of tests, it was determined that my heart was fine. Then it came down to “what did you eat?” Nothing I ate that day or the day before could have been responsible. I was given something for severe heartburn and sent home. I made a follow up appointment with my doctor 2 days later. I was still having chest pain and I wanted to find out what was causing it. My doctor asked me if I was taking any herbal supplements, and then it dawned on me–the cinnamon! He told me cinnamon can do that to some people and to stop taking it for a few days. Within 24 hours the chest pains were gone, never to return.

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If you’re thinking of adding any type of herbal supplement to your diet make sure to ask your doctor first.