Church Group Scavenger Hunt

Each team (around 10 people) must stay together at all times. No splitting up!
You may travel within a 3-mile radius of the church.
Team member’s homes are OFF LIMITS.
Each task must be done with a different person–you can’t do 3 things at one person’s house.
Each team will video their finds or activities. We will not take any items; the video will be our verification. Remember – if you move it, return it!
Trade off who videos so that everyone gets a chance to have fun.
Try to include non-members when you search – it’s a great outreach!
Give each participant a Thank you card provided including your service location and times.
You have one and a half hours to complete as many as you can. Notice some have higher point values than others.
Then return to watch the videos, tally the points, and have pizza! (So, try to keep the video time short and sweet!)

5 Points:
Go to a police officer’s house and thank them. (If they are not home, leave a note.)
Find someone who can recite John 3:16.
Find someone who knows who built the ark.
Have all your team members stand by your church’s sign.
Find someone who knows who parted the Red Sea.
Go to the courthouse and say the pledge of allegiance while standing around the flagpole.
Call your minister and thank him for all his hard work. (If he’s not home, leave a message.)
Find a preschooler who can sing “Jesus Loves Me”.

10 Points:
Christmas Carol a church member. Knock on the door first. You must sing two songs!
Find a mom rocking her baby. (Baby means under one year old!) Ask her “Who was the baby that was put in a basket and hidden along the Nile?” (5 extra points if she gets it right.)
Someone sitting on a Harley Davidson motorcycle.
Go to the secretary’s house and thank her for all she does. (If she’s not home, leave a note.)
Everyone put on someone else’s shoes.
Find a child and all sing itsy-bitsy spider together – with the actions.

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15 Points:
Have your whole team stand by one of the town’s name signs.
Find someone that has a wiener dog or a Great Dane then video them with their dog.
Have the whole team sing happy birthday to someone. (20 extra points if it’s really their birthday!) (Ask them who was born first – Moses or Noah. Bonus 5 points if they get it right.)
Solve the Bible puzzle from John 11: _e_u_ w_p_. (Today we would give him a _i_s_e. Find one.)
Find someone who is over 70 and everyone give them a hug.
Find a retired teacher that has a Bible. Once they have the bible – if they can find the Ten Commandments in less than a minute, you get an extra 10 pts.
Everyone ride on the witch’s hat or merry-go-round at the park.
_a_ d_e_ n_t _i_e _n _r_a_ a_o_e _u_ e_e_y w_r_ t_a_ c_m_s _r_m _h_ m_u_h _f _h_ L_r_. Find someone at home who has the grocery item mentioned in this verse.
If a team member under age 13 can recite a verse of scripture – any verse! You get 15 points!

25 Points:
Go to the store and every team member buys a pack of gum. Each team member should thank the cashier and/or bag boy for all his or her hard work.
Go to the high school and make snow angels in the grass.
Go to the bowling alley and video all your team members holding a bowling ball. Be sure to put them back the way you found them.
Solve this puzzle then do what it says: ssJeu saw zpbtaei ni het nrdJuo rrvie. aekT ouyr meat ot eosm rtewa.
Find a nurse or doctor and ask them if they know who the Great Physician is.
The whole team plays Frisbee in someone’s front yard. Bonus 10 points if the homeowner plays with you.
Solve: eTh eeiIarstl ppeelo dpwrhsoie a eodlgn fcla. Find a real one.

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35 Points:
Go to the train tracks and act out a short melodrama. BE CAREFUL!
Solve the verse: “I ma eth tglih fo het rdwol” – Find someone who has a bbtlhuigl – quote the verse while holding it.
Solve this jumbled Bible verse: “nhte arMy ookt aoutb a ntip fo eupr darn, na ieeepnvsx ueepfrm; hes ueordp ti no eussJ etef dan diepw ihs eeft tihw erh rhia.” Find someone with a similar object named in this verse.
S_e _o_ t_e _i_I_s _f _h_ f_e_d _r_w…_o_ e_e_ S_l_m_n _n _l_ h_s _p_e_d_r _a_ d_e_s_d _i_e _n_ o_ t_e_e. (Find an object similar to that mentioned in the verse.)
