Chronic Pain and Insomnia – a Conundrum

One of the more frustrating accompaniments to chronic pain is insomnia. When a person is suffering severe pain it is generally difficult to sleep at night. Despite pain medications, chronic pain very often continues to “break through” the relief that is provided by the medications.

It is often a misunderstood concept about continuing pain despite taking a multitude of medications. Chronic pain is very difficult to treat and very few sufferers gain total relief from medication. The medication does reduce pain but the person generally continues to suffer very debilitating pain despite them. One might wonder if a person does not get relief why continue to take the medications. But the reality is that without any relief people would have much worse and unbearable pain. So the medications are critical for sufferers to have any type of functional life.

Insomnia comes along with the pain and is not the standard form of insomnia where a person doesn’t feel like sleeping. Usually, a chronic pain sufferer is exhausted but since they are so miserable with pain it keeps them from sleeping, or wakes them up. So a chronic pain sufferer is often exhausted and drowsy despite not being able to sleep.

Lack of sleep exacerbates pain. So pain and fatigue continues to get worse because each aggravates the other. Until one is relieved, a chronic pain and fatigue victim will continue to deteriorate. This often adds other complications such as depression, anxiety, frustration, irritability, hopelessness and cognitive impairment.

Relief often comes when a “crash and burn” occurs where they finally just shut down entirely and finally get some rest despite the discomfort. Most chronic pain sufferers will recognize the “crash and burn” theory; where they simply can no longer function and may even break down emotionally before succumbing to sleep regardless of where they might be. If it occurs in the middle of the day they can no longer put it off until a more appropriate time; they will “crash” wherever they are.

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Chronic pain can disrupt every aspect of a person’s life with all the added complications it adds to what the sufferer has to deal with. The current medications available are not initially developed for chronic pain since the causes are not yet understood. The available medications may reduce some of the pain through treatment of symptoms rather than treatment of the cause but they are far from providing adequate relief.

It is imperative that new treatments for the causes of chronic pain are developed because one in five people in the United States suffer from some type of chronic pain. It is estimated that more than $65 billion is spent per year in medical expenses for chronic pain. The number of people disabled by chronic pain exceeds those for cancer and heart disease. It not only affects the sufferer but disrupts the lives of those around them physically, emotionally, and financially. These are staggering numbers for something inadequate treatment is available. It lends speculation to how it contributes to illegal drug use, crime, and poverty. There is a very clear urgency for effective treatment and cures for chronic pain.