Chronic Itchy Face and Skin

Several months ago I started having what felt like a dry flaky face; however, I purchased many very expensive products attempting to soothe the itch. Nothing seemed to work. Much like my mother who has often taken a knife to her flesh, scratching so obsessively I thought I needed to have her admitted into the psyche ward of some underground hospital. She would go through various treatments from soaking up the rays in tanning salons, leaving her skin looking aged, to over compensating and using extremely expensive face and skin treatments. Realizing I did not want to resort to the same therapy’s my mother went through, I decided to start looking into home remedies, simply getting back to the basics.

Through my discoveries I have found several things that can soothe itchy but not necessarily dry skin. A few of the things I have tried have proven to soothe the itch of my skin, resulting in a good night sleep once again. If you suffer from this obsessive itch which can lead to a very disturbed sleep, either through stress or has no true nature of origin then these simple treatments may in fact offer you peace of mind once again.

Vicks vapour rub applied to the face covering the itchy flesh offers a soft tingle to your skin proving to be a very beneficial moisturizer for the facial area, but not over the eyes. This not only promotes a smooth texture to the face but also promotes a surreal tingle leaving your skin softer and with a natural glow.

Oatmeal bath, basically using quick cook oats and pouring about one cup of oats into a warm bath soothing your skin. This can also be used for children with sensitive skin and chicken pox. It allows the skin to absorb the natural vitamins from the oats which soothes dry skin along with moisturizing the affected areas.

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Another treatment that has given me a bit of serenity back is a peppermint oil bath. This promotes a tingle over the affected areas; however this treatment would not be good for someone with open sores such as chicken pox.

Non-synthetic Vitamin E also helps to control the chronic itch of skin.

You can also take zinc pills and crush them up and apply them directly to the itchy patches of flesh to be absorbed into the affected areas. This will help to relieve the itch.

If you purchase moisturizers the best ones to try are the ones with blueberry leaves in the mixture, another tip is to store your moisturizers in the refrigerator so that when you apply to your skin it is cool to the touch. Using ice cubes often take away the itch momentarily, that is why I started storing my moisturizers in the refrigerator, the chill of the product along with the cream gives me enough of a boost to cool the skin.

There are many other home remedies that will help to relieve the chronic itch without having to seek medical attention.

If the itch persists you may have eczema, however, these treatments can help you maintain your sanity. Coming from a person that knows how the itch can become so overwhelming that you almost feel as if you are going insane. Another tip is avoiding high in salt foods. Changing your diet can also help to soothe the itch.“>Home Remedies for itchy skin

Eczema: How to stop the itching