Chronic Dry Eyes? May Be an Indication of Sjogren’s Syndrome

In the United States, there are millions of individual who suffer, daily, with the complications associated with autoimmune disease. In fact, it is estimated that nearly 20 percent of the U.S. population suffers from an autoimmune disease and, in many cases, the condition is misdiagnosed or under diagnosed.

One such autoimmune disease, known as Sjogren’s syndrome, has become a more common diagnosis among individuals who have suffered from chronically dry eyes. As a condition of an arthritic nature, Sjogren’s syndrome is an autoimmune disease in which the body’s natural immune system fights the production of the mucous-secreting glands, believing they are foreign bodies.

As a commonly misdiagnosed autoimmune condition, those who suffer from dry eyes do not realize they suffer from an autoimmune disease until the symptoms have resulted in a chronic and irreversible complication of the eyes, often resulting in loss of vision.

If you are an individual who suffers from chronically dry eyes, with increased complications associated with outdoor activities and work in front of a computer, an autoimmune disorder, such as Sjogren’s syndrome may the culprit.

Eyes that are chronically dry will, generally, fall into one of two categories of complications; those with inflammation and those without. For individuals who suffer from dry eyes, and present with a marked degree of inflammation; the first indication that an autoimmune disease may be to blame. For SJS sufferers, the inflammation can lead to friction of the eye, irritation of the eyelid and, ultimately, may attribute to a condition known as blepharitis.

Diagnosing a vision complication, to confirm an autoimmune disorder such as Sjogren’s syndrome, involves a vision examination and diagnostic tests such as the Schirmer’s Test, measuring tear production, and the Rose Bengal Test, a test involving the application of dye to ascertain the degree of dry spotting on the eye.

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If confirmed as dry eye related to an autoimmune disorder such as Sjogren’s syndrome, the health care plan will include regular, and frequent, visits to an ophthalmologist to manage any changes in vision and eye health. The use of artificial tears will alleviate the symptoms but will not cure the underlying origin of your chronic dry eyes. While there is no cure for the dry eye condition, patients will often accompany the artificial tear usage with the use of prescription medications to treat the systemic effect of Sjogren’s syndrome.

Because it is estimated that nearly one fifth of our population suffers from an autoimmune disease, it is important to seek out the appropriate medical attention early so as to ensure chronic health complications, such as loss of vision, do not arise. In the case of chronic dry eyes, the culprit may be the underlying condition known as Sjogren’s syndrome which can be treated, to some extent, with prescription medications. If you believe you may have an autoimmune disease, consultation with a rheumatologist may be indicated.